12 Sep '19
Tenure Track Professorship in Machine Learning
by Robert Legenstein 12 Sep '19

12 Sep '19
HFSP-funded post-doc position
by Gergo Orban 12 Sep '19

12 Sep '19
PostDoc position: Indianapolis-Paris
by Alexey Kuznetsov 11 Sep '19

11 Sep '19
post-doc position at the University of Bern
by Jean-Pascal Pfister 11 Sep '19

11 Sep '19
PostDoc position University of Minnesota
by Alexander Opitz 09 Sep '19

09 Sep '19
NEURON course at SFN 2019 meeting
by Carnevale, Nicholas 09 Sep '19

09 Sep '19

07 Sep '19

06 Sep '19

06 Sep '19
Big models and big data workshop at SFN 2019
by Carnevale, Nicholas 05 Sep '19

05 Sep '19