OCNS Workshop on Modeling of Neuron-Glia Interactions, Quebec City, July 30-31.

Dear Sirs, I would kindly ask you to please forward the following message to the comp-neuro mailing list, and further encouraging you to share it with your colleagues. Thanks in advance for your consideration of the matter. Sincerely, Maurizio De Pitta' -------------------------------------------------------------- Dear colleague, we would like to bring at your attention the forthcoming OCNS workshop on "Computational Methods and Modeling of Astrocyte Physiology and Neuron-Glia Interactions". The workshop will take place in Quebec City (Canada) on July 30th-31st, following the main OCNS meeting. The workshop brings together a representative pool of theoreticians involved in modeling of several aspects of astrocyte physiology and neuron-glia interactions, aiming at providing a rare and original occasion to familiarize with the current state of research on the challenging topic of the functional role of neuron-glia interactions. Topics covered by this workshop include: 1. -- Calcium signaling in astrocytes (from subcellular/compartmentalized to network levels); 2. -- Neuron-glia interactions, regulation of synaptic transmission, plasticity and neuronal responses by astrocytes; 3. -- Astrocyte role in homeostasis and neurotrasmitter clearance; 4. -- Information processing by astrocytes. For the detailed program and the list of speakers, you are kindly invited to visit the workshop homepage: https://team.inria.fr/beagle/ocns-2014-workshop/ We encourage you to share this mail with your colleagues and whoever could be interested to attend our workshop. Thanks for your attention. Kind regards, Maurizio De Pitta' Hugues Berry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maurizio De Pitta' - https://sites.google.com/site/mauriziodepitta Hugues Berry - http://www.inrialpes.fr/Berry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project-Team BEAGLE INRIA Rhone-Alpes Université de Lyon LIRIS UMR5205 Antenne INRIA de La Doua Batiment CEI-1 66 Blvd Niels Bohr CS 52132 69603 Villeurbanne cedex France
participants (1)
Maurizio De Pittà