Dear Sirs,
I would kindly ask you to please forward the following message to the comp-neuro mailing list, and further encouraging you to share it with your colleagues.

Thanks in advance for your consideration of the matter.

Maurizio De Pitta'


Dear colleague,
we would like to bring at your attention the forthcoming OCNS workshop on "Computational Methods and Modeling of Astrocyte Physiology and Neuron-Glia Interactions". The workshop will take place in Quebec City (Canada) on July 30th-31st, following the main OCNS meeting.

The workshop brings together a representative pool of theoreticians involved in modeling of several aspects of astrocyte physiology and neuron-glia interactions, aiming at providing a rare and original occasion to familiarize with the current state of research on the challenging topic of the functional role of neuron-glia interactions.

Topics covered by this workshop include:
  1. -- Calcium signaling in astrocytes (from subcellular/compartmentalized to network levels);
  2. -- Neuron-glia interactions, regulation of synaptic transmission, plasticity and neuronal responses by astrocytes;
  3. -- Astrocyte role in homeostasis and neurotrasmitter clearance;
  4. -- Information processing by astrocytes.

For the detailed program and the list of speakers, you are kindly invited to visit the workshop homepage:

We encourage you to share this mail with your colleagues and whoever could be interested to attend our workshop.

Thanks for your attention.
Kind regards,

Maurizio De Pitta'
Hugues Berry

Maurizio De Pitta'    -
Project-Team BEAGLE
INRIA Rhone-Alpes 
Université de Lyon LIRIS UMR5205
Antenne INRIA de La Doua
Batiment CEI-1
66 Blvd Niels Bohr
CS 52132
69603 Villeurbanne cedex