Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 26, Number 4 - April 1, 2014 Available online for download now: ----- Article Parametric Inference in the Large Data Limit Using Maximally Informative Models Justin Block Kinney, Gurinder Singh Atwal Letters Input Statistics and Hebbian Crosstalk Effects Anca R. Radulescu Learning Nonlinear Regularities in Natural Images by Modeling the Outer Product of Image Intensities Peng Qi, Xiaolin Hu Dissociable Forms of Repetition Priming: A Computational Model Kirill Makukhin, Scott Bolland Refined Rademacher Chaos Complexity Bounds With Applications to the Multi-Kernel Learning Problem Yunwen Lei, Lixin Ding Large Margin Low Rank Tensor Analysis Guoqiang Zhong, Mohamed Cheriet Large-scale Linear RankSVM Ching-Pei Lee, Chih-Jen Lin ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2014 - VOLUME 26 - 12 ISSUES USA Others Electronic Only Student/Retired $70 $193 $65 Individual $124 $187 $115 Institution $1,035 $1,098 $926 Canada: Add 5% GST MIT Press Journals, 238 Main Street, Suite 500, Cambridge, MA 02142-9902 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 26, Number 5 - May 1, 2014 Available online for download now: ----- Article A Transition to Sharp Timing in Stochastic Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons Driven by Frozen Noisy Input Thibaud Taillefumier, Marcelo Magnasco Letters Sample Skewness as a Statistical Measurement of Neuronal Tuning Sharpness Jason Michael Samonds, Brian Richard Potetz, and Tai Sing Lee Prewhitening High Dimensional fMRI Data Sets Without Eigendecompoistion Abd-Krim Seghouane, Yousef Saad Signal-tuned Gabor Functions as Models for Stimulus-dependent Cortical Receptive Fields Jose R. A. Torreao, Silvia M.C. Victer, and Marcos S. Amaral Energy Complexity of Recurrent Neural Networks Jiri Sima On Some Classes of Sequential Spiking Neural P Systems Xingyi Zhang, Xiangxiang Zeng, Bin Luo, and Linqiang Pan ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2014 - VOLUME 26 - 12 ISSUES USA Others Electronic Only Student/Retired $70 $193 $65 Individual $124 $187 $115 Institution $1,035 $1,098 $926 Canada: Add 5% GST MIT Press Journals, 238 Main Street, Suite 500, Cambridge, MA 02142-9902 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 26, Number 6 - June 1, 2014 Available online for download now: ----- Article A Causal Perspective on the Analysis of Signal and Noise Correlations and Their Role in Population Coding Daniel Chicharro Letters Towards Unified Hybrid Simulation Techniques for Spiking Neural Networks Michiel D'Haene, Michiel Hermans, and Benjamin Schrauwen Neural Decoding With Kernel-based Metric Learning Austin J. Brockmeier, John S. Choi, Evan G. Kriminger, Joseph T. Francis, and Jose C. Principe Adaptive Multiclass Classification for Brain Computer Interfaces Alberto Llera, Vicenc Gomez, and Hilbert J. Kappen On Non-negative Matrix Factorization Algorithms for Signal-dependent Noise With Application to Electromyography Data Karthik Devarajan, Vincent C.K. Cheung Direct Learning of Sparse Changes in Markov Networks by Density Ratio Estimation Song Liu, John A. Quinn, Michael U. Gutmann, Taiji Suzuki, and Masashi Sugiyama Short Term Memory Capacity in Networks via the Restricted Isometry Property Adam Charles, Han Lun Yap, and Chris Rozell ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2014 - VOLUME 26 - 12 ISSUES USA Others Electronic Only Student/Retired $70 $193 $65 Individual $124 $187 $115 Institution $1,035 $1,098 $926 Canada: Add 5% GST MIT Press Journals, 238 Main Street, Suite 500, Cambridge, MA 02142-9902 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 26, Number 7 - July 1, 2014 Available online for download now: ----- Article Motor Cortex Microcircuit Simulation Based on Brain Activity Mapping George L Chadderdon, Ashutosh Mohan, Benjamin A Suter, Samuel A Neymotin, Cliff C Kerr, Joseph T Francis, Gordon MG Shepherd, and William W Lytton Letters Discovering Functional Neuronal Connectivity From Serial Patterns in Spike Train Data Casey Diekman, Kohinoor Dasgupta, Vijay Nair, and K.P. Unnikrishnan Risk-sensitive Reinforcement Learning Yun Shen, Michael J. Tobia, Tobias Sommer, and Klaus Obermayer On Criticality in High-dimensional Data Saeed Saremi, Terrence J Sejnowski Spiking Neural P Systems With Thresholds Xiangxiang Zeng, Xingyi Zhang, Tao Song, and Linqiang Pan Balanced Crossmodal Excitation and Inhibition Essential for Maximizing Multisensory Gain Osamu Hoshino Universal Approximation Depth and Errors of Narrow Belief Networks With Discrete Units Guido Francisco Montufar Multiple Tests Based on a Gaussian Approximation of the Unitary Events Method With Delayed Coincidence Count Christine Tuleau-Malot, Amel Rouis, Franck Grammont, and Patricia Reynaud-Bouret Intrinsic Graph Structure Estimation Using Graph Laplacian Atsushi Noda, Hideitsu Hino, Masami Tatsuno, Shotaro Akaho, and Noboru Murata Causal Discovery via Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Embeddings Zhitang Chen, Kun Zhang, Laiwan Chan, and Bernhard Scholkopf ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2014 - VOLUME 26 - 12 ISSUES USA Others Electronic Only Student/Retired $70 $193 $65 Individual $124 $187 $115 Institution $1,035 $1,098 $926 Canada: Add 5% GST MIT Press Journals, 238 Main Street, Suite 500, Cambridge, MA 02142-9902 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 26, Number 8 - August 1, 2014 Available online for download now: ----- Articles Bayesian Active Learning of Neural Firing Rate Maps With Transformed Gaussian Process Priors Mijung Park, J. Patrick Weller, Gregory D. Horwitz, and Jonathan Pillow How to Compress Sequential Memory Patterns Into Periodic Oscillations: General Reduction Rules Kechen Zhang Letters The Competing Benefits of Noise and Heterogeneity in Neural Coding Eric G Hunsberger, Matthew Scott, and Chris Eliasmith Anatomical Constraints on Lateral Competition in Columnar Cortical Architectures Dylan Richard Muir, Matthew Cook ROC-Based Estimates of Neural-Behavioral Covariations Using Matched Filters Kamal Farah, Jackson Smith, and Erik Cook Tonically Balancing Intracortical Excitation and Inhibition by GABAergic Gliotransmission Meihong Zheng, Takami Matsuo, Ai Miyamoto, and Osamu Hoshino Information-theoretic Semi-supervised Metric Learning via Entropy Regularization Gang Niu, Bo Dai, Makoto Yamada, and Masashi Sugiyama Incremental Learning by Message Passing in Hierarchical Temporal Memory Erik Mikael Rehn, Davide Maltoni ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2014 - VOLUME 26 - 12 ISSUES USA Others Electronic Only Student/Retired $70 $193 $65 Individual $124 $187 $115 Institution $1,035 $1,098 $926 Canada: Add 5% GST MIT Press Journals, 238 Main Street, Suite 500, Cambridge, MA 02142-9902 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 26, Number 9 - September 1, 2014 Available online for download now: ----- Article Continuous Closed-loop Decoder Adaptation With a Recursive Maximum Likelihood Algorithm Allows for Rapid Performance Acquisition in Brain-machine Interfaces Siddharth Dangi, Suraj Gowda, Helene Moorman, Amy Orsborn, Kelvin So, Maryam Shanechi, and Jose Carmena Letters Neuronal Spike Train Entropy Estimation by History Clustering Nicholas Watters, and George Reeke Memory Nearly on a Spring: A Mean First Passage Time Approach to Memory Lifetimes Terry Elliott Sparseness, Anti-Sparseness and Anything in Between: The Operating Point of a Neuron Determines Its Computational Repertoire Terry Elliott Sequential Activity in Asymmetrically Coupled Winner-Take-All Circuits Hesham Mostafa, Giacomo Indiveri Synchronization of Stochastic Competitive Neural Networks With Different Time Scales and Reaction-diffusion Terms Yanchao Shi, Peiyong Zhu A Semiparametric Bayesian Model for Detecting Synchrony Among Multiple Neurons Babak Shahbaba, Bo Zhou, Shiwei Lan, Hernando Ombao, David Moorman, and Sam Behseta A Bayesian Model of Polychronicity Mira Guise, Alistair Knott, and Lubica Benuskova A Non-parametric Clustering Algorithm With a Quantile-based Likelihood Estimator Hideitsu Hino, Noboru Murata ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2014 - VOLUME 26 - 12 ISSUES USA Others Electronic Only Student/Retired $70 $193 $65 Individual $124 $187 $115 Institution $1,035 $1,098 $926 Canada: Add 5% GST MIT Press Journals, 238 Main Street, Suite 500, Cambridge, MA 02142-9902 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 26, Number 10 - October 1, 2014 Available online for download now: ----- Articles Efficient Sensory Encoding and Bayesian Inference With Heterogeneous Neural Populations Deep Ganguli, Eero P Simoncelli Dimensionality of Object Representations in Monkey Inferotemporal Cortex Sidney Lehky, Roozbeh Kiani, Hossein Esteky, and Keiji Tanaka Letters Hierarchical Control Using Networks Trained With Higher-Level Forward Models Gregory Duncan Wayne, Larry Abbott Spine Head Calcium as a Measure of Summed Postsynaptic Activity for Driving Synaptic Plasticity Bruce Graham, Ausra Saudargiene, and Stuart Cobb Design of Charge-Balanced Time-Optimal Stimuli for Spiking Neuron Oscillators Isuru Dasanayake, Jr-Shin Li Influence of External Inputs and Asymmetry of Connections on Information-Geometric Measures Involving Up to Ten Neuronal Interactions Yimin Nie, Jean-Marc Fellous, and Masami Tatsuno Fragility in Dynamic Networks: Application to Neural Networks in the Epileptic Cortex Duluxan Sritharan, Sridevi Vedula Sarma On Anti-periodic Solutions for Cohen-Grossberg Shunting Inhibitory Neural Networks With Time-varying Delays and Impulses Changjin Xu., Qiming Zhang Learning Rates of Lq Coefficient Regularization Learning With Gaussian Kernel Shaobo Lin, Jinshan Zeng, Jian Fang, and Zongben Xu ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2014 - VOLUME 26 - 12 ISSUES USA Others Electronic Only Student/Retired $70 $193 $65 Individual $124 $187 $115 Institution $1,035 $1,098 $926 Canada: Add 5% GST MIT Press Journals, 238 Main Street, Suite 500, Cambridge, MA 02142-9902 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 26, Number 11 - November 1, 2014 Available online for download now: ----- Article High-dimensional Cluster Analysis With the Masked EM Algorithm Shabnam N. Kadir, Dan F.M. Goodman, and Kenneth D. Harris Letters Changes of Firing Rate Induced by Changes of Phase Response Curve in Bifurcation Transitions Yasuomi D. Sato., Kazuyuki Aihara Approximate Emergent Synchrony in Spatially Coupled Spiking Neurons With Discrete Interaction Hans Super, August Romeo Facilitation of Neuronal Responses by Intrinsic Default Mode Network Activity Hiroakira Matsui, Meihong Zheng, and Osamu Hoshino A Hierarchical Adaptive Approach to Optimal Experimental Design Woojae Kim, Mark A. Pitt, Zhong-Lin Lu, Mark Steyvers, and Jay I. Myung Noise Facilitation in Associative Memories of Exponential Capacity Amin Karbasi, Amir Hesam Salavati, Amin Shokrollahi, and Lav R. Varshney A No-go Theorem for One-layer Feedforward Networks Chad D Giusti, Vladimir Itskov Extended Robust Support Vector Machine Based on Financial Risk Minimization Akiko Takeda, Shuhei Fujiwara, and Takafumi Kanamori Nonparametric Estimation of Kullback-Leibler Divergence Zhiyi Zhang, Michael Grabchak Coenzyme Q10 Benefits Symptoms in Gulf War Veterans: Results of a Randomized Double-Blind Pilot Study Beatrice Golomb, Matthew Allison, Sabrina Koperski, Hayley J. Koslik, Sridevi Devaraj, and Janis B Ritchie Visual Motion Priors Differ for Infants and Mothers Florian Raudies, Rick O Gilmore ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2014 - VOLUME 26 - 12 ISSUES USA Others Electronic Only Student/Retired $70 $193 $65 Individual $124 $187 $115 Institution $1,035 $1,098 $926 Canada: Add 5% GST MIT Press Journals, 238 Main Street, Suite 500, Cambridge, MA 02142-9902 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Contents -- Volume 26, Number 12 - December 1, 2014 Available online for download now: ----- View Population Coding and the Labeling Problem: Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic Representations Sidney Lehky, Margaret E. Sereno, and Anne B. Sereno Letters Information Transfer Through Stochastic Transmission of a Linear Combination of Rates Stelios Smirnakis, Ioannis Smyrnakis Spike-Based Probabilistic Inference in Analog Graphical Models Using Interspike-Interval Coding Andreas Steimer, Rodney J. Douglas An Investigation of the Stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley Models Under Noisy Rate Functions Marifi Guler Dynamic Analysis of Naive Adaptive Brain-machine Interfaces Kevin Cai Kowalski, Bryan D He, and Lakshminarayan Srinivasan A Bio-inspired, Computational Model Suggests Velocity Gradients of Optic Flow Locally Encode Ordinal Depth at Surface Borders and Globally They Encode Self-Motion Florian Raudies., Stefan Ringbauer, and Heiko Neumann Exploitation of Pairwise Class Distances for Ordinal Classification Javier Sanchez-Monedero , Peter Tino, Pedro Antonio Gutierrez, and C. Hevas-Martinez Spherical Mesh Adaptive Direct Search for Separating Quasi-uncorrelated Sources by Range-based Independent Component Analysis S. Easter Selvan, Pierre B. Borckmans, Amit Chattopadhyay, and Pierre-Antoine Absil ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2014 - VOLUME 26 - 12 ISSUES USA Others Electronic Only Student/Retired $70 $193 $65 Individual $124 $187 $115 Institution $1,035 $1,098 $926 -----

Editorial Neural Computation was founded with the goal of providing a home for the best research in computational approaches to understanding brain function. With this issue Neural Computation is now all electronic (color illustrations are free) and also has a broader scope. The goal of the BRAIN Initiative, announced by President Obama on April 2, 2013, is to accelerate progress in understanding basic principles of brain function by developing innovative neurotechnologies. The BRAIN 2025 report on the BRAIN Initiative highlighted Theory, Modeling, Computation and Statistics (TMCS) as essential to this goal ( The neurotechniques developed by the BRAIN Initiative will scale up the acquisition of data by three orders of magnitude in the next decade. Every area of neuroscience, from molecular to systems, can benefit from advanced computational techniques to analyze, model, and interpret these data, serving as the foundation for conceptual advances in brain theories. Neural Computation is uniquely positioned at the crossroads between Neuroscience and TMCS and welcomes the submission of original papers from all areas of TMCS, including: * Advanced experimental design * Analysis of chemical sensor data * Connectomic reconstructions * Analysis of multielectrode and optical recordings * Genetic data for cell identity * Analysis of behavioral data * Multiscale models * Analysis of molecular mechanisms * Neuroinformatics * Analysis of brain imaging data * Neuromorphic engineering * Principles of neural coding, computation, circuit dynamics, and plasticity * Theories of brain function An expanded editorial board will guide Neural Computation in this broader arena: As the US BRAIN Initiative and the European Human Brain Project continue to expand, and as other countries launch new brain programs, Neural Computation will be central in integrating these international efforts. Terry Sejnowski ----- Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 1 - January 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Article Spike Train SIMilarity Space (SSIMS): A Framework for Single Neuron and Ensemble Data Analysis Carlos E. Vargas-Irwin, David M. Brandman, Jonas B. Zimmermann, John P. Donoghue, Michael J. Black Note Optimizing the Representation of Orientation Preference Maps in Visual Cortex Nicholas J. Hughes, Geoffrey J. Goodhill Letters Topological Sparse Learning of Dynamic Form Patterns T. Guthier, V. Willert, J. Eggert Dynamics of Gamma Bursts in Local Field Potentials Priscilla E. Greenwood, Mark D. McDonnell, Lawrence M. Ward Spatiotemporal Conditional Inference and Hypothesis Tests for Neural Ensemble Spiking Precision Matthew T. Harrison, Asohan Amarasingham, Wilson Truccolo Toward a Multisubject Analysis of Neural Connectivity C. J. Oates, L. Costa, T. E. Nichols Using Multilayer Perceptron Computation to Discover Ideal Insect Olfactory Receptor Combinations in the Mosquito and Fruit Fly for an Efficient Electronic Nose Luqman R. Bachtiar, Charles P. Unsworth, Richard D. Newcomb Graph Degree Sequence Solely Determines the Expected Hopfield Network Pattern Stability Daniel Berend, Shlomi Dolev, Ariel Hanemann Efficient Training of Convolutional Deep Belief Networks in the Frequency Domain for Application to High-Resolution 2D and 3D Images Tom Brosch, Roger Tam Conditional Density Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction via Squared-Loss Conditional Entropy Minimization Voot Tangkaratt, Ning Xie, Masashi Sugiyama ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 2 - February 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Letters Subdiffusive Dynamics of Bump Attractors: Mechanisms and Functional Roles Yang Qi, Pulin Gong, and Michael Breakspear Reliability of Information-Based Integration of EEG and FMRI Data: A Simulation Study Sara Assecondi, Dirk Ostwald, and Andrew Philip Bagshaw Active Inference, Evidence Accumulation and the Urn Task Thomas FitzGerald, Philipp Schwartenbeck, Michael Moutoussis, Raymond J. Dolan, and Karl Friston A Neural Mass Model With Direct and Indirect Excitatory Feedback Loops: Identification of Bifurcations and Temporal Dynamics Miss Aurelie Garnier, Alexandre Vidal, Clement Huneau, and Habib Benali Mismatched Training and Test Distributions Can Outperform Matched Ones Carlos Roberto Gonzalez, Yaser Said Abu-Mostafa Foundations of Support Constraint Machines Giorgio Gnecco, Marco Gori, Stefano Melacci, and Marcello Sanguineti Natural Gradient Learning Algorithms for RBF Networks Junsheng Zhao, Haikun Wei, Chi Zhang, Weiling Li, Weili Guo, and Kanjian Zhang ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 3 - March 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Article Spontaneous Motion on Two-dimensional Continuous Attractors C. C. Alan Fung, Shun-ichi Amari Letters Oscillator-Interference Models of Path Integration Do Not Require Theta Oscillations Jeff Orchard What Can Neuromorphic Event-driven Precise Timing Add to Spike-based Pattern Recognition? Himanshu Akolkar, Cedric Meyer, Xavier Clady, Olivier Marre, Chiara Bartolozzi, Stefano Panzeri, and Ryad Benosman Delay Differential Analysis of Time Series Claudia Lainscsek, Terrence J Sejnowski Delay Differential Analysis of Electroencephalographic Data Claudia Lainscsek, Manuel E. Hernandez, Howard Poizner, and Terrence J Sejnowski Range-Based ICA Using a Nonsmooth Quasi-Newton Optimizer for Electroencephalographic Source Localization in Focal Epilepsy S. Easter Selvan, S.Thomas George, and R. Balakrishnan Two-trace Model for Spike-timing-dependent Synaptic Plasticity Rodrigo Echeveste, Claudius Gros On Firing Rate Estimation for Dependent Interspike Intervals Laura Sacerdote, Elisa Benedetto, and Federico Polito Memristor Models for Machine Learning Juan Pablo Carbajal, Joni Dambre, Michiel Hermans, and Benjamin Schrauwen On Resolving Simultaneous Congruences Using Belief Propagation Yongseok Yoo, Sriram Vishwanath Structural Intervention Distance (SID) for Evaluating Causal Graphs Jonas Peters, Peter Buhlmann ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------ Hippocampal Spine Head Sizes are Highly Precise Thomas M Bartol, Cailey Bromer, Justin P Kinney, Michael A Chirillo, Jennifer N Bourne, Kristen M Harris, Terrence J Sejnowski The size of an EPSP is highly correlated with the the spine head volume for excitatory synapses on pyramidal cells. Spine heads on a dendrite originating from the same axon had the same volume, regardless of whether they were large or small. This has implications for the precision of the mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity. Terry -----

NEURAL COMPUTATION - April 1, 2015 Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 4 - April 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Articles Spontaneous Action Potentials and Neural Coding in Un-myelinated Axons Cian O'Donnell, Mark C.W. van Rossum Accurate Connection Strength Estimation Based on Variational Bayes for Detecting Synaptic Plasticity Takuya Isomura, Yutaro Ogawa, Kiyoshi Kotani, and Yasuhiko Jimbo Letters Hardware-Amenable Structural Learning for Spike-based Pattern Classification Using a Simple Model of Active Dendrites Shaista Hussain, Shih-Chii Liu, and Arindam Basu Neuronal Calcium Wave Propagation Varies With Changes in Endoplasmic Reticulum Parameters: A Computer Model Samuel A Neymotin, Robert A McDougal, Mohamed A Sherif, Christopher P Fall, Michael L. Hines, and William W Lytton Visual Tracking Using Neuromorphic Asynchronous Event-based Cameras Zhenjiang Ni, Sio-Hoi Ieng, Christoph Posch, Stephane Regnier, and Ryad Benosman The Benefits of Modelling Slack Variables in SVMs Fengzhen Tang, Peter Tino, Pedro Antonio Gutierrez, and Huanhuan Chen A Study on the Optimal Double-Parameters for Steepest Descent With Momentum Naimin Zhang ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 5 - May 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Article Self-Organization of Control Circuits for Invariant Fiber Projections Tomas Fernandes, Christoph von der Malsburg Letters A Computationally-efficient Method for Incorporating Spike Waveform Information Into Decoding Algorithms Valerie Ventura, Sonia Todorova Coding Accuracy Is Not Fully Determined by the Neuronal Model Lubomir Kostal, Petr Lansky Solving Stereo Transparency With an Extended Coarse-to-fine Disparity Energy Model Zhe Li, Ning Qian Simultaneous Multi-Channel Signal Transfers Via Chaos in a Recurrent Neural Network Ken-ichiro Soma, Ryota Mori, Ryuichi Sato, Noriyuki Furumai, and Shigetoshi Nara Input Anticipating Critical Reservoirs Show Power Law Forgetting of Unexpected Input Events Norbert Michael Mayer Learning Dynamics of a Single Polar Variable Complex-Valued Neuron Tohru Nitta On-line EM With Weight-Based Forgetting Enric Celaya, Alejandro Agostini ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 6 - June 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Articles Homeostatic Plasticity for Single Node Delay-Coupled Reservoir Computing. Hazem Toutounji, Johannes Schumacher, and Gordon Pipa Surrogate Population Models for Large-scale Neural Simulations. Bryan P Tripp Letters Regulation of Local Ambient GABA Levels via Transporter-mediated GABA Import and Export for Subliminal Learning. Osamu Hoshino Cortical Spatio-Temporal Dimensionality Reduction for Visual Grouping. Giacomo Cocci, Davide Barbieri, Giovanna Citti, and Alessandro Sarti Time-scale Separation in Recurrent Neural Networks. Thomas Flynn Refined Generalization Bounds of Gradient Learning Over Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. Shaogao Lv FastMMD: Ensemble of Circular Discrepancy for Efficient Two-Sample Test. Ji Zhao, Deyu Meng ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 7 - July 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Articles Unifying Blind Separation and Clustering for Resting-State EEG/MEG Functional Connectivity Analysis Jun-ichiro Hirayama, Takeshi Ogawa, and Aapo Hyvarinen Attentional Bias Through Oscillatory Coherence Between Excitatory Activity and Inhibitory Minima Sebastian Blaes, Thomas Burwick Letters Clusterless Decoding of Position From Multiunit Activity Using a Marked Point Process Filter Xinyi Deng, Daniel F. Liu, Kenneth Kay, Loren M. Frank, and Uri T. Eden A Hebbian/Anti-Hebbian Neural Network for Linear Subspace Learning: A Derivation From Multidimensional Scaling of Streaming Data Cengiz Pehlevan, Tao Hu, and Dmitri B. Chklovskii Learning Slowness in a Sparse Model of Invariant Feature Detection Thusitha N. Chandrapala, Bertram E. Shi On the Spike Train Variability Characterized by Variance-to-mean Power Relationship Shinsuke koyama Comments and Correction on "U-Processes and Preference Learning" (Neural Computation Vol. 26, Pp. 2896-2924, 2014) Wojciech Rejchel, Hong Li, Chuanbao Ren, and Luoqing Li ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Spectrum of power laws for curved hand movements Dongsung Huh and Terrence J. Sejnowski In curved hand movements around ellipses, the speed tends to scale inversely with the curvature with a power law having an exponent of -1/3. We examined whether this well-known regularity in motor planning holds for more general shapes. Using an optimality principle, we identified a set of basis shapes, each with a single characteristic angular frequency, which subjects drew with power laws whose exponents ranged from 0 to -2/3. More general movements exhibited linear mixtures of power laws. The speed of arbitrary doodling movements with a broad spectrum of frequencies could also be predicted from the curvature with high accuracy. Terry -----

Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 8 - August 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Article A Statistical Framework to Infer Delay and Direction of Information Flow From Measurements of Complex Systems Johannes Schumacher, Thomas Wunderle, Pascal Fries, Frank Jakel, and Gordon Pipa *FREE* Letters An Empirical Model for Reliable Spiking Activity Wanjie Wang, Shreejoy J Tripathy, Krishnan Padmanabhan, Nathaniel N. Urban, and Robert E. Kass Inheritance of Hippocampal Place Fields Through Hebbian Learning: Effects of Theta Modulation and Phase Precession on Structure Formation Tiziano D'Albis, Jorge Jaramillo, Henning Sprekeler, and Richard Kempter Competitive STDP Learning of Overlapping Spatial Patterns Dalius Krunglevicius A Reward-Maximizing Spiking Neuron as a Bounded Rational Decision-Maker Felix Leibfried, Daniel A. Braun Optimality of Upper-Arm Reaching Trajectories Based on the Expected Value of the Metabolic Energy Cost Yoshiaki Taniai, Jun Nishii Active Learning Using Hint Information Chun-Liang Li, Chun-Sung Ferng, and Hsuan-Tien Lin Subsampled Hessian Newton Methods for Supervised Learning Chien-Chih Wang, Chun-Heng Huang, and Chih-Jen Lin Minimal Sign Representation of Boolean Functions: Algorithms and Exact Results for Low Dimensions Can Eren Sezener, Erhan Oztop ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 9 - September 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Article Extracting Low-dimensional Latent Structure From Time Series in the Presence of Delays Karthik C. Lakshmanan, Patrick T Sadtler, Elizabeth C Tyler-Kabara, Aaron P Batista, and Byron M. Yu Note Is First-Order Vector Autoregressive Model Optimal for fMRI Data? Chee-Ming Ting, Abd-Krim Seghouane, Muhammad Usman Khalid, and Sh-Hussain Salleh Letters A Novel Reconstruction Framework for Time Encoded Signals with Integrate-and-fire Neurons Dorian Florescu, Daniel Coca Online Direct Density-Ratio Estimation Applied to Inlier-based Outlier Detection Marthinus Christoffel du Plessis, Hiroaki Shiino, and Masashi Sugiyama Relations Among Some Low Rank Subspace Recovery Models Hongyang Zhang, Zhouchen Lin, Chao Zhang, and Junbin Gao A Fast Algorithm for Learning Overcomplete Dictionary for Sparse Representation Based on Proximal Operators Zhenni Li, Shuxue Ding, and Yujie Li Fusion of Scores in a Detection Context Based on Alpha Integration Antonio Soriano, Luis Vergara, Bouziane Ahmed, and Addisson Salazar ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 10 - October 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Review Indefinite Proximity Learning - a Review Frank-Michael Schleif, Peter Tino Article Understanding Emergent Dynamics: Using a Collective Activity Coordinate of a Neural Network to Recognize Time-varying Patterns John Hopfield Note A Note on Entropy Estimation Thomas Schuermann Letters Recurrent Neural Network Approach Based on the Integral Representation of the Drazin Inverse Predrag S. Stanimirovic, Ivan S. Zivkovic, and Yimin Wei Visual Categorization With Random Projection Rosa Arriaga, David Rutter, Maya Cakmak, and Santosh Vempala Accuracy and Efficiency in Fixed-point Neural ODE Solvers Michael Hopkins, Steve Furber A Simple Label Switching Algorithm for Semi-supervised Structural SVMs P. Balamurugan , Shirish Shevade, and S. Sundararajan Multi-View Bayesian Correlated Component Analysis Simon Kamronn, Andreas Trier Poulsen, and Lars Kai Hansen Linear Methods for Efficient and Fast Separation of Two Sources Recorded With a Single Microphone Saurabh Bhargava, Florian Blaettler, Sepp Kollmorgen, Shih-Chii Liu, and Richard H.R. Hahnloser ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 11 - November 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Article STICK: Spike Time Interval Computational Kernel, a Framework for General Purpose Computation Using Neurons, Precise Timing, Delays, and Synchrony Xavier Lagorce, Ryad Benosman Letters Visual Decisions in the Presence of Measurement and Stimulus Correlations Manisha Bhardwaj, Samuel Carroll, Wei Ji Ma, and Kresimir Josic Hierarchical Error Representation: A Computational Model of Anterior Cingulate and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. William H. Alexander, Joshua W Brown Bayesian Feature Selection With Strongly-regularizing Priors Maps to the Ising Model Charles K. Fisher, Pankaj Mehta A Novel Parameter Estimation Method for Boltzmann Machine Takashi Takenouchi Bandit-Based Task Assignment for Heterogeneous Crowdsourcing Hao Zhang, Yao Ma, and Masashi Sugiyama ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

UCSD GRADUATE PROGRAM IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE Application deadline: December 1, 2015 (Fall 2016) ***** The goal of the Computational Neuroscience Specialization in the Neurosciences Graduate Program at UCSD is to train researchers who are equally at home measuring large-scale brain activity, analyzing the data with advanced computational techniques, and developing new models for brain development and function. Candidates from a wide range of backgrounds are invited to apply, including Biology, Psychology, Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics. The three major themes in the training program are: 1. Neurobiology of Neural Systems: Anatomy, physiology and behavior of systems of neurons. Using modern neuroanatomical, behavioral, neuropharmacological and electrophysiological techniques. Lectures, wet laboratories and computer simulations, as well as research rotations. Major new imaging and recording techniques also will be taught, including two-photon laser scanning microscopy and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). 2. Algorithms and Realizations for the Analysis of Neuronal Data: New algorithms and techniques for analyzing data obtained from physiological recording, with an emphasis on recordings from large populations of neurons with imaging and multielectrode recording techniques. New methods for the study of co-ordinated activity, such as multi-taper spectral analysis and Delay Differential Analysis (DDA). 3. Neuroinformatics, Dynamics and Control of Systems of Neurons: Theoretical aspects of single cell function and emergent properties as many neurons interact among themselves and react to sensory inputs. A synthesis of approaches from mathematics and physical sciences as well as biology will be used to explore the collective properties and nonlinear dynamics of neuronal systems, as well as issues of sensory coding and motor control. ***** Participating Faculty include: * Henry Abarbanel (Physics): Nonlinear and oscillatory dynamics; modeling central pattern generators in the lobster stomatogastric ganglion. * Thomas Albright (Salk Institute): Motion processing in primate visual cortex; linking single neurons to perception; fMRI in awake, behaving monkeys. Director, Sloan Center for Theoretical Neurobiology * Darwin Berg (Neurobiology): Regulation synaptic components, assembly and localization, function and long-term stability. * Ed Callaway (Salk Institute): Neural circuits, visual perception, visual cortex Genetic tools for tracing neural pathways. * Gert Cauwenberghs (Bioengineering): Neuromorphic Engineering; analog VLSI chips; wireless recording and nanoscale instrumentation for neural systems; large-scale cortical modeling. * Sreekanth Chalasani (Salk): C. elegans: genes, networks and behavior Optical recording of olfactory processing. * Andrea Chiba (Cognitive Science): Spatial attention, associative learning, cholinergic neuromodulaiton of behavior, amygdala recordings * EJ Chichilnisky (Salk Institute): Retinal multielectrode recording; neural coding, visual perception. * Todd Coleman (Bioengineering): Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI) * Garrison Cottrell (Computer Science and Engineering): Dynamical neural network models and learning algorithms * Virginia De Sa (Cognitive Science): Computational basis of perception and learning; multi-sensory integration and contextual influences * Mark Ellisman (Neurosciences, School of Medicine): High resolution electron and light microscopy; anatomical reconstructions. * Fred Gage (Salk Institute): Neurogenesis and models of the hippocampus; neuronal diversity, neural stem cells. * Timothy Gentner (Psychology): Birdsong learning. Neuroethology of vocal communication and audition * Robert Hecht-Nielsen (Electrical and Computer Engineering): Neural computation and the functional organization of the cerebral cortex. * Steve Hillyard (Neurosciences): EEG, perception, attention, memory, Event related potentilas, SSVEP * Harvey Karten (Neurosciences, School of Medicine): Anatomical, physiological and computational studies of the retina and optic tectum of birds and squirrels * David Kleinfeld (Physics): Active sensation in rats; properties of neuronal assemblies; optical imaging of large-scale activity. * William Kristan (Neurobiology): Computational Neuroethology; functional and developmental studies of the leech nervous system, including studies of the bending reflex and locomotion. * Scott Makeig (Institute for Neural Computation): Analysis of cognitive event-related brain dynamics and fMRI using time-frequency and Independent Component Analysis * Javier Movellan (Institute for Neural Computation): Sensory fusion and learning algorithms for continuous stochastic systems * Saket Navlakha (Salk Institute): How collections of molecules, neurons, and organisms process information and solve distributed computing problems. * Howard Poizner (Institute for Neural Computation): Motor systems, basal ganglia, reinforcment learning, Parkinson's disease. * Mikhael Rabinovich (Institute for Nonlinear Science): Dynamical systems analysis of the stomatogastric ganglion of the lobster and the antenna lobe of insects * Pamela Reinagel (Biology): Sensory and neural coding; natural scene statistics; recordings from the visual system of cats and rodents. * John Reynolds (Salk): Visual attention, cortex, psychophysics, neurophysiology, neural modeling * Massimo Scanziani (Biology): Neural circuits in the somotosensory cortex; physiology of synaptic transmission; inhibitory mechanisms. * Terrence Sejnowski (Salk Institute/Neurobiology): Computational models and physiological studies of synaptic, neuronal and network function. * Tanya Sharpee (Salk): Statistical physics and information theory approaches to sensory processing in natural auditory and visual environments. * Gabe Silva (Bioengineering): Cellular neural engineering * Nicholas Spitzer (Neurobiology): Regulation of ionic channels and neurotransmitters in developing neurons and neural function. * Charles Stevens (Salk Institute): Synaptic physiology; theoretical models of neuroanatomical scaling. * Jing Wang (Biology): Representation of olfactory information in the nervous system of Drosophila * Ruth Williams (Mathematics): Probabilistic analysis of stochastic systems and continuous learning algorithms * Angela Yu (Cognitive Science): Sensory processing, attentional selection, perceptual decision-making, sensorimotor integration, learning, and adaptation. ----- On-line applications: The deadline for completed application materials, including letters of recommendation, is December 1, 2015 for Fall 2016 -----

Neural Computation - Volume 27, Number 12 - December 1, 2015 Available online for download now: ----- Article Periodic Forcing of Stabilized E-I Networks: Nonlinear Resonance Curves and Dynamics Romain Veltz, Terrence J. Sejnowski Letters Rhythmic Inhibition Allows Neural Networks to Search for Maximally Consistent States Hesham Mostafa, Lorenz K. Mueller and Giacomo Indiveri Learning Spatio-Temporally Encoded Pattern Transformations in Structured Spiking Neural Networks Brian Gardner, Ioana Sporea, and Andre Gruening A Sparse Reformulation of the Green's Function Formalism Allows Efficient Simulations of Morphological Neuron Models Willem A.M. Wybo, Daniele Boccalini, Benjamin Torben-Nielsen, and Marc-Oliver Gewaltig Positive Neural Networks in Discrete Time Implement Monotone-Regular Behaviors Tom J Ameloot, Jan Van den Bussche Symbolic Computation Using Cellular Automata Based Hyperdimensional Computing Ozgur Yilmaz ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2015 - VOLUME 27 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $75 Individual $134 Institution $1,075 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 28, Number 1 - January 1, 2016 Available online for download now: ----- Articles Neural Network Spectral Robustness Under Perturbations of the Underlying Graph Anca Radulescu Sequential Tests for Large Scale Learning Anoop Korattikara, Yutian Chen, and Max Welling Note A Note on Support Vector Machines With Polynomial Kernels Hongzhi Tong Letters Analytical Calculation of Errors in Time and Value Perception Due to a Subjective Time Accumulator: A Mechanistic Model and the Generation of Weber's Law Vijay Mohan K Namboodiri, Stefan Mihalas, and Marshall G Hussain Shuler Efficient Associative Computation With Discrete Synapses Andreas Knoblauch Reduction of Trial-to-trial Perceptual Variability by Intracortical Tonic Inhibition Osamu Hoshino, Meihong Zheng, and Kazuo Watanabe An Empirical Overview of the No Free Lunch Theorem and Its Effect on Real-World Machine Learning Classification David Gomez, Alfonso Rojas Global Exponential Stability of Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks With Piecewise Constant Argument of Generalized Type and Impulses Qiang Xi ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2016 - VOLUME 28 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $78 Individual $138 Institution $1,108 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------ Neural Computation - Volume 28, Number 1 - January 1, 2016 Available online for download now: ----- Articles Neural Network Spectral Robustness Under Perturbations of the Underlying Graph Anca Radulescu Sequential Tests for Large Scale Learning Anoop Korattikara, Yutian Chen, and Max Welling Note A Note on Support Vector Machines With Polynomial Kernels Hongzhi Tong Letters Analytical Calculation of Errors in Time and Value Perception Due to a Subjective Time Accumulator: A Mechanistic Model and the Generation of Weber's Law Vijay Mohan K Namboodiri, Stefan Mihalas, and Marshall G Hussain Shuler Efficient Associative Computation With Discrete Synapses Andreas Knoblauch Reduction of Trial-to-trial Perceptual Variability by Intracortical Tonic Inhibition Osamu Hoshino, Meihong Zheng, and Kazuo Watanabe An Empirical Overview of the No Free Lunch Theorem and Its Effect on Real-World Machine Learning Classification David Gomez, Alfonso Rojas Global Exponential Stability of Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks With Piecewise Constant Argument of Generalized Type and Impulses Qiang Xi ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2016 - VOLUME 28 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $78 Individual $138 Institution $1,108 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 28, Number 2 - February 1, 2016 Available online for download now: ----- Article Correlational Neural Networks Sarath Chandar, Mitesh M Khapra, Hugo Larochelle, and Balaraman Ravindran Letters Timing of Cortical Events Preceding Voluntary Movement Victor L. Vvedensky, Andrey O. Prokofyev Mutual Information, Fisher Information, and Efficient Coding Xue-Xin Wei, Alan A Stocker Memory Stacking in Hierarchical Networks Johan Westok, Patrick J. C. May, and Hannu Tiitinen Infinite Continuous Feature Model for Psychiatric Comorbidity Analysis Isabel Valera, Francisco J. R. Ruiz, Pablo M. Olmos, Carlos Blanco, and Fernando Perez-Cruz Filtering With State-Observation Examples via Kernel Monte Carlo Filter Motonobu Kanagawa, Yu Nishiyama, Arthur Gretton, and Kenji Fukumizu ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2016 - VOLUME 28 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $78 Individual $138 Institution $1,108 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 28, Number 3 - March 1, 2016 Available online for download now: ----- Article Orthogonal Connectivity Factorization: Interpretable Decomposition of Variability in Correlation Matrices Aapo Hyvarinen, Jun-ichiro Hirayama, Vesa Kiviniemi, and Motoaki Kawanabe Note A Block Successive Lower-Bound Maximization Algorithm for the Maximum Pseudolikelihood Estimation of Fully Visible Boltzmann Machines Hien D Nguyen, Ian A Wood Letters Microdomain [Ca2+] Fluctuations Alter Temporal Dynamics in Models of Ca2+-dependent Signaling Cascades and Synaptic Vesicle Release Seth H Weinberg Kernelized Elastic Net Regularization: Generalization Bounds and Sparse Recovery Yunlong Feng, Shao-Gao Lv, Hanyuan Hang, and Johan A.K. Suykens An Online Policy Gradient Algorithm for Markov Decision Processes With Continuous States and Actions Yao Ma, Tingting Zhao, Kohei Hatano, and Masashi Sugiyama The Development of an Information Criterion for Change-Point Analysis Colin H LaMont, Paul A. Wiggins ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2016 - VOLUME 28 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $78 Individual $138 Institution $1,108 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

State of the Brain - Keystone Symposium Scientific Organizers: Terrence J. Sejnowski and Sten Grillner May 22-26, 2016 Alpbach Congress Centrum, Alpbach, Austria Recent years have seen rapid advances in our understanding of brain biology, driven in part by the development of novel technologies for studying neural networks. Consequently, major national research programs in the EU and US have been launched that will bring together teams of neuroscientists and engineers with the aim of achieving a major advance in understanding brain function and dysfunction. The challenge is to map the circuits of the brain, measure the fluctuating patterns of electrical and chemical activity flowing within those circuits and understand how they give rise to cognitive and behavioral capabilities. This Keystone Symposia conference brings together investigators from around the world to share their discoveries and to plan future projects in this exciting new era for brain research. Conference Program Registration Early Registration discount deadline: March 22, 2016 MONDAY, MAY 23 08:30 Welcome and Keynote Address Cori Bargmann, Rockefeller University, USA Understanding Brain Function and Dysfunction 09:30 International Brain Programs Henry Markram, EPFL SV BMI LNMC, Switzerland The EU Human Brain Project Walter J. Koroshetz, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, USA The US BRAIN Initiative Mu-ming Poo, Institute of Neuroscience, CAS, China China Brain Project and Non-human Primate Research Christof Koch, Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA Project MindScope - Big Science, Team Science, Open Science to Understand Mouse Cortex 15:30 Panel 1: Coordinating International Programs Chair: Terrence J. Sejnowski, The Salk Institute, USA Cornelia (Cori) Bargmann, Rockefeller University, USA Henry Markram, EPFL SV BMI LNMC, Switzerland Walter J. Koroshetz, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, USA Mu-ming Poo, Institute of Neuroscience, CAS, China Christof Koch, Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA Thomas Skordas, European Commission, Belgium 17:00 Discovering Diversity: Identifying Cell Types in the Brain Botond Roska, Friedrich Miescher Institute, Switzerland Cell Types and Circuits in the Visual System Hongkui Zeng, Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA Genetic Approaches to Brain Circuit Mapping and Cell Type Characterization TUESDAY, MAY 24 08:30 The Brain in Action: Large-Scale Monitoring and Manipulating Neurons Karl Deisseroth, Stanford University, USA Optogenetic Approaches to Neural Circuits David W. Tank, Princeton University, USA Recording Activity from Internal Brain States Mark J. Schnitzer, Stanford University, USA Reading Neural Codes from a Thousand Neurons in Freely Behaving Mice Susumu Tonegawa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and RIKEN Brain Science Institute, USA Monitoring and Engineering Memory Engram Cells and their Circuits 15:30 Panel 2: Bridging the Gap between Circuits and Behavior Chair: David W. Tank, Princeton University, USA Karl Deisseroth, Stanford University, USA Mark J. Schnitzer, Stanford University, USA Susumu Tonegawa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and RIKEN Brain Science Institute, USA Winfried Denk, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Germany R. Clay Reid, Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA 17:00 Maps in the Brain: Generating Multi-Scale Neural Circuits Winfried Denk, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Germany Revealing the Core Circuitry in Brains R. Clay Reid, Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA Integrating Circuits, Recordings and Behavior Terrence J. Sejnowski, The Salk Institute, USA Global Traveling Waves in Human Cortex WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 08:30 Advancing Human Neuroscience: Understanding Brain Function and Dysfunction John Donoghue, Wyss Center for Bio- and Neuro-Engineering, Switzerland Brain Computer Interfaces Helen S. Mayberg, Emory University, USA Iterative Strategies to Refine and Optimize DBS for Depression Patricia K. Kuhl, University of Washington, USA What Can Babies' Brains Tell Us About What it Means to be Human? 15:30 Panel 3: What are the Prospects for Helping Humans with Brain Disorders? Chair: John Donoghue, Wyss Center for Bio- and Neuro-Engineering, Switzerland Helen S. Mayberg, Emory University, USA Patricia K. Kuhl, University of Washington, USA Emery N. Brown, MIT-Harvard Division of Health Sciences and Technology, USA Botond Roska, Friedrich Miescher Institute, Switzerland 17:00 Discovering Principles: Theory, Models, Computation and Statistics Emery N. Brown, MIT-Harvard Division of Health Sciences and Technology, USA Deciphering the Dynamics of the Unconscious Brain under General Anesthesia Sten Grillner, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden Multi-Scale Modeling of Neuronal Networks - From Ion Channels to Selection of Behavior THURSDAY, MAY 26 08:30 Model Systems: Using Genetics to Deconstruct Neural Circuits Gerald M. Rubin, Janelia Research Campus, USA A Comprehensive Approach to Understanding the Fly Brain Florian Engert, Harvard University, USA
From Whole-Brain Data to Functional Circuit Models: The Zebrafish Optomotor Response
Hideyuki Okano, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan Disease Modeling and Brain Mapping Using Transgenic Marmosets 15:30 Panel 4: Evolutionary Perspectives in Understanding the Brain Chair: Sten Grillner, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden Gerald M. Rubin, Janelia Research Campus, USA Florian Engert, Harvard University, USA Hideyuki Okano, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan Hongkui Zeng, Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA 17:00 Big Data: Analyzing High-Dimensional Brain Datasets Joshua T. Vogelstein, Johns Hopkins University, USA NeuroData: Enabling Petascale Neuroscience Sean Hill, Ecole Polytechnique Fedrerale de Lausanne, Switzerland Neuroinformatics: From Big Data to Knowledge Discovery Kamil Ugurbil, University of Minnesota Medical School, USA Human Connectomics -----

Neural Computation - Volume 28 Number 4 - April 1 2016 Available online for download now: ----- Article Vector Symbolic Spiking Neural Network Model of Hippocampal Sub-area CA1 Novelty Detection Functionality Claus Agerskov Note Feature-based Attention by Lateral Spike Synchronization August Romeo, Hans Super Letters Downstream Effect of Ramping Neuronal Activity Through Synapses With Short-term Plasticity Wei Wei, Xiao-Jing Wang Optimal Schedules in Multi-task Motor Learning Jeong Yoon Lee, Youngmin Oh, Sung Shin Kim, Robert A Scheidt, and Nicolas Schweighofer Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Tensor-Based Regression and Classification Kishan wimalawarne, Ryota Tomioka, and Masashi Sugiyama Feature Selection for Ridge Regression With Provable Guarantees Saurabh Paul, Petros Drineas Online Pairwise Learning Algorithms Yiming Ying, Ding-Xuan Zhou Sampled-data State Feedback Stabilization of Boolean Control Networks Yang Liu, Jinde Cao, Liangjie Sun, and Jianquan Lu ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2016 - VOLUME 28 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $78 Individual $138 Institution $1,108 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------

Neural Computation - Volume 28, Number 5 - May 1, 2016 Available online for download now: ----- Article Causal Inference on Discrete Data via Estimating Distance Correlations Furui Liu, Laiwan Chan Note A Mathematical Motivation for Complex-valued Convolutional Networks Mark Tygert, Joan Bruna, Soumith Chintala, Yann LeCun, Serkan Piantino, and Arthur Szlam Letters Learning Precise Spike Train to Spike Train Transformations in Multilayer Feedforward Neuronal Networks Arunava Banerjee Separating Spike Count Correlation From Firing Rate Correlation Giuseppe Vinci, Valerie Ventura, Matthew A. Smith, and Robert E. Kass Effect of Reference Scheme on Power and Phase of the Local Field Potential Vinay Shirhatti, Ayon Borthakur, and Supratim Ray State Space Analysis of Granger-Geweke Causality With Application to fMRI Victor Solo Whole-Body Reaching Movements Formulated by Minimum Muscle-Tension Change Criterion Naoki Kudo, Kyuheong Choi, Takahiro Kagawa, and Yoji Uno Recurrent Neural Network for Computing Outer Inverse Ivan S. Zivkovic, Predrag S. Stanimirovic, and Yimin Wei ------------ ON-LINE -- SUBSCRIPTIONS - 2016 - VOLUME 28 - 12 ISSUES Student/Retired $78 Individual $138 Institution $1,108 MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 ------------
participants (1)
Terry Sejnowski