[Meetings] CRNS Talk Series (4) - Live Talk by Prof. Mehul Bhatt - Orebro University - Sweden
Dear All * Apologies for cross-posting* The *Center for Robotics and Neural Systems* (CRNS) is pleased to announce the talk of *Prof. **Mehul Bhatt* from *Orebro University* - Sweden on Wednesday, March 16th from *11:00 am* to *12:30* *pm* (*London time*) over *Zoom*.
*Events*: The CRNS talk series will cover a wide range of topics including social and cognitive robotics, computational neuroscience, computational linguistics, cognitive vision, machine learning, AI, and applications to autism. More details are available here:
https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/research/robotics-neural-systems/whats-on <https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.plymou...>
*Link for the next event (No Registration is Required)*:
Join Zoom Meeting https://plymouth.zoom.us/j/95748572834?pwd=M05YTXhTVnBOK0R6WTlPaDJnTm5GUT09&...
*Title of the talk*: Artificial visual intelligence: Perceptual commonsense for human-centred cognitive technologies
*Abstract*: This talk addresses computational cognitive vision and perception at the interface of (spatial) language, (spatial) logic, (spatial) cognition, and artificial intelligence. Summarizing recent works, I present general methods for the semantic interpretation of dynamic visuospatial imagery with an emphasis on the ability to perform abstraction, reasoning, and learning with cognitively rooted structured characterizations of commonsense knowledge pertaining to space and motion. I will particularly highlight: - explainable models of computational visuospatial commonsense at the interface of symbolic and neural techniques; - deep semantics, entailing systematically formalised declarative (neurosymbolic) reasoning and learning with aspects pertaining to space, space-time, motion, actions & events, spatio-linguistic conceptual knowledge; and - general foundational commonsense abstractions of space, time, and motion needed for representation mediated (grounded) reasoning and learning with dynamic visuospatial stimuli. The presented works –demonstrated in the backdrop of applications in autonomous driving, cognitive robotics, visuoauditory media, and cognitive psychology– are intended to serve as a systematic model and general methodology integrating diverse, multi-faceted AI methods pertaining knowledge representation and reasoning, computer vision, and machine learning towards realising practical, human-centred, computational visual intelligence. I will conclude by highlighting a bottom-up interdisciplinary approach –at the confluence of cognition, AI, Interaction, and design science– necessary to better appreciate the complexity and spectrum of varied human-centred challenges for the design and (usable) implementation of (explainable) artificial visual intelligence solutions in diverse human-system interaction contexts. *Keywords*. Cognitive Vision; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Commonsense Reasoning; Deep Semantics; Declarative Spatial Reasoning; Com- puter Vision; Computational Models of Narrative; Human-Centred Computing and Design; Spatial Cognition and AI; Visual Perception; Multimodal Interaction; Autonomous Driving; HRI; Visuo-Auditory Media; Visual Art
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me,
Regards ---------------- *Dr. Amir Aly* Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Center for Robotics and Neural Systems (CRNS) School of Engineering, Computing, and Mathematics Room B332, Portland Square, Drake Circus, PL4 8AA University of Plymouth, UK
participants (1)
Amir Aly