World wide VVTNS series: Wednesday, May 8 at 11am (EDT), Douglas Zhou, Jiatong University| "Neuronal network reconstruction through causality measures"

[image: VVTNS.png] - on twitter: wwtns@TheoreticalWide You are cordially invited to the lecture given by Douglas Zhou Jiatong University on the topic of "Neuronal network reconstruction through causality measures*"* The lecture will be held on zoom on *May 8, 2024*, at *11:00 am EDT * To receive the zoom link: *Abstract: *Understanding the causal connectivity within a network is crucial for unraveling its functional dynamics. However,the inferred causal connections are fundamentally influenced by the choice of causality measure employed, which may not always align with the actual structural connectivity of the network. The relationship between causal and structural connectivity, especially how different causality measures affect the inferred causal links, requires further exploration. In this talk, we examine nonlinear networks characterized by pulse signal outputs, such as spiking neural networks, using four prevalent causality measures: time-delayed correlation coefficient, time-delayed mutual information, Granger causality, and transfer entropy. We provide a theoretical analysis of the interconnections among these measures when applied to pulse signals. Utilizing both a simulated Hodgkin–Huxley network and an empirical mouse brain network as case studies, we validate the quantitative relationships between these causality measures. Our results show a strong correspondence between the causal connectivity derived from any of these measures and the actual structural connectivity, thereby establishing a direct linkage between them. We highlight that structural connectivity in networks with output pulse signals can be reconstructed on a pairwise basis, without needing global information from all network nodes, effectively avoiding the curse of dimensionality. Our approach offers a robust and practical methodology for reconstructing networks based on pulse outputs. *About VVTNS : Created as the World Wide Neuroscience Seminar (WWTNS) in November 2020 and renamed in homage to Carl van Vreeswijk in Memoriam (April 20, 2022), its aim is to be a platform to exchange ideas among theoreticians. Speakers have the occasion to talk about theoretical aspects of their work which cannot be discussed in a setting where the majority of the audience consists of experimentalists. The seminars, **held on Wednesdays at 11 am ET,** are 45-50 min long followed by a discussion. The talks are recorded with authorization of the speaker and are available to everybody on our YouTube channel.* ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ ᐧ -- "В каждой шутке есть доля шутки" 'Life is good ..' (Carl van Vreeswijk, 1962-2022) --------------------------------------- David Hansel Directeur de Recherche au CNRS Co-Group leader Cerebral Dynamics Plasticity and Learning lab., CNRS 45 rue des Saints Peres 75270 Paris Cedex 06 Tel (Cell): +33 607508403 - Fax (33). ᐧ
participants (1)
David Hansel