Workshop at CNS2015 on Dopamine neurons and the circuits they participate in

Title: Computational Models of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons and Dopaminergic Signaling Organizer: Carmen Canavier<> July 23, Prague, Room RB209 (subject to change) Description: This workshop features recent experimental and modeling work on SNc and VTA dopamine neurons in the context of addiction, Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia. Time Speaker Title 9-9:30 Alexey Kuznetsov A model for VTA circuitry: toolbox for the study of addictions 9:30-10 Eleftheria Pissadaki From the axons of the SNc dopamine neurons to their dendritic processes: further clues to susceptibility in Parkinson's disease 10-10:30 COFFEE BREAK 10:30-11 Rebekah Evans T type calcium channels trigger a hyperpolarization induced after depolarization (HI-ADP) in SNc dopamine neurons 11-11:30 Andy Oster VTA Dopamine Neuron Dynamics: response to ramping applied currents 11:30-12:00 Carmen Canavier Dynamic Diversity of Dopamine Neurons 12:00-1:30 LUNCH BREAK 1:30-2 Guillaume Drion Potential functional implications of a hidden variability in SNc DA neuron excitability 2-2:30 Jinyoung Jang Spontaneous firing system in the midbrain dopamine neu- ron 2:30-3 Boris Gutkin VTA circuit models and nicotine/alcohol effects on DA dynamics 3-3:30 DISCUSSION AND CLOSING REMARKS
participants (1)
Canavier, Carmen C.