Postdoctoral position: cortical microcircuit dynamics

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position to carry out research on cortical microcircuit dynamics. Research will involve analysis and modelling of cortical population recordings, focusing on changes occurring in the infraslow frequencies (0.01 - 1 Hz). The position is at the Centre for Systems Neuroscience, University of Leicester, UK. The project will involve advanced computational and experimental approaches - our experimental facilities include in vivo electrophysiology and 2-photon microscopy setups. Additional details on the PI and the Centre can be found at and An ideal applicant would have a quantitative background and strong computational, programming and statistical skills (e.g. a PhD in computational/systems neuroscience, applied mathematics, computer science or related subjects). Previous experience in systems neuroscience research is a significant advantage. Start date is flexible and candidates will be considered on a rolling basis, however anyone applying before 14th of September is guaranteed to be considered. Funding for this position is available for (at least) 3 years. Leicester has a large student community thanks to its two universities, and is within easy reach (~1 hour by train) of London, Birmingham and Sheffield. Interested applicants are most welcome to contact Michael Okun (
participants (1)
Okun, Michael (Dr.)