Graduate studies at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute

The Graduate Program in Neuroscience at Princeton University offers a unique and intensive program of study spanning molecular, cellular, systems and cognitive neuroscience, followed by advanced research in a world-class Princeton laboratory. We seek highly motivated and creative students in our efforts to understand the brain. A listing of faculty affiliated with the program can be found online at<>, and below. Our doctoral program is flexible and individually-tailored, and we encourage students to pursue research with more than one faculty and across departmental boundaries. Applications for entry in the Fall of 2015 are now being accepted, with a deadline of December 1. For details, including contact information, please visit<>. Michael Berry - Neural computation in the retina William Bialek - Interface between physics and biology Lisa Boulanger - Neuronal functions of immune molecules Carlos Brody - Quantitative and behavioral neurophysiology Tim Buschman - Neural dynamics of cognitive control Jonathan Cohen - Neural bases of cognitive control Nathaniel Daw - Reward, learning and decision making Lynn Enquist - Neurovirology Liz Gavis - Neural development and mRNA localization in Drosophila Alan Gelperin - Learning, memory and olfaction Asif Ghazanfar - Neurobiology of primate social agents Elizabeth Gould - Neurogenesis and hippocampal function Michael Graziano - Sensorimotor integration Charles Gross - Functions of the cerebral cortex in behavior Uri Hasson - Temporal scales of neural processing Philip Holmes - Mathematical modeling John Hopfield - Computational neurobiology/biophysics Barry Jacobs - Brain monoamine neurotransmitters Sabine Kastner - Neural mechanisms for visual perception Carolyn McBride - Molecular and neural basis of behavioral evolution Mala Murthy - Neurophysiology of olfactory and auditory perception in Drosophila Coleen Murphy - Molecular mechanisms of aging Yael Niv - Reinforcement learning and decision making, computational psychiatry Ken Norman - Neural bases of episodic memory Jonathan Pillow - Neural information processing, machine learning, and statistical modeling of neural data Sebastian Seung - Structure and function of neural circuits Joshua Shaevits - Neural and behavioral dynamics in simple organisms David Tank - Neural circuit dynamics Jordan Taylor - Motor control and learning Alexander Todorov - Cognitive neuroscience of social cognition and behavior Nicholas Turk-Browne - Cognitive neuroscience of attention, perception and memory Samuel Wang - Dynamics and learning in neural circuits Ilana Witten - Neural circuits underlying reward and motivation
participants (1)
Yael Niv