Three faculty positions in Computational/Theoretical Neuroscience at the University of Texas at Austin

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three faculty positions in Computational/Theoretical Neuroscience at the University of Texas at Austin --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcing three tenure-track faculty positions in Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience and related fields at the University of Texas at Austin. The first position will be joint between the Departments of Neuroscience and Mathematics, the second will be joint between Neuroscience and Computer Science, and the third will be in the Department of Psychology. Please see the advertisements below for more details about the positions and how to apply. Applications are currently being accepted. Please disseminate this announcement broadly and please encourage colleagues ready to begin independent faculty positions to apply. ------------------------------------- ***Faculty Position in Computational/Theoretical Neuroscience and Mathematics* The Departments of Neuroscience and Mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin are currently inviting applications for a full-time tenure-track appointment at the Assistant Professor level. We seek a creative and original thinker in mathematical neuroscience. Areas of interest include but are not limited to dynamical models of networks and circuits; statistical methods in neuroscience; computational algebraic topology applied to neural systems; neural network theory; stochastic analysis of neural dynamics; probabilistic combinatorics; coding and information theory of neural systems; data analytics and machine learning approaches. This search is part of a cluster of planned faculty hires in Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience at the University of Texas at Austin. The successful candidate will lead a vigorous program of extramurally funded independent research and contribute to an environment of diversity in higher education through research, teaching, and service. She or he will have joint membership in both departments and the option to join various multi-disciplinary research centers on campus. *Applicant Instructions: *Interested applicants with a Ph.D. or equivalent, two or more years of post-graduate experience, and a record of research excellence in mathematical neuroscienceshould submit 1) a letter of interest, 2) a current curriculum vita, 3) three key scholarly publications, 4) a statement of research interests and vision, and 5) a teaching statement with evidence of excellence in teaching to <> In addition, applicants must arrange to have at least three letters of reference submitted directly to the same website. Applications will be reviewed starting November 5, 2015, and will continue to be reviewed until the position is filled. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. UT Austin is responsive to the needs of dual career couples and espouses family-friendly policies ( Inquires related to this search may be directed to Kathleen Pantalion (<>, Ila Fiete (<>, or Bill Beckner (<> ------------------------------------- *Faculty Position in Computational/Theoretical Neuroscience and Computer Science* ** The Departments of Neuroscience and Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin are currently inviting applications for a full-time appointment at the Assistant Professor level. We seek a leader in computational and theoretical neuroscience. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: graph and network theory of neural networks; information and complexity theory in neural systems; computational modeling, computational geometry, the theory of stochastic processes, and coding theory applied to neuroscience; statistics, data mining, machine learning, graphical modeling androbotics applied to or inspired by neuroscience. This search is part of a cluster of planned faculty hires in Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience at the University of Texas at Austin. The successful candidate will lead an outstanding program of extramurally funded independent research and contribute to an environment of diversity in higher education through research, teaching, and service. She or he will have joint membership in both departments and the option to join various multi-disciplinary research centers on campus. *Applicant Instructions: *Interested applicants with a Ph.D. or equivalent, two or more years of post-graduate experience, and a record of research excellence in computational and theoretical neuroscienceshould submit 1) a letter of interest, 2) a curriculum vita, 3) three key scholarly publications, 4) a statement of research interests and vision, and 5) a teaching statement with evidence of excellence in teaching. In addition, applicants must arrange for at least three letters of reference. To submit your application, go to <> Applications will be reviewed starting November 5, 2015, and will continue to be reviewed until the position is filled. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. UT Austin is responsive to the needs of dual career couples and espouses family-friendly policies (<> Inquiries about the application may be directed to <>, or you may contact Kathleen Pantalion (<>, Ila Fiete (<>, or William Press (<> ------------------------------------- *Faculty Position in the Computational Neuroscience of Perception and/or Action* The Center for Perceptual Systems at The University of Texas at Austin is currently inviting applications for a full-time appointment at the Assistant Professor level. The expected employment date is September 1, 2016. We are particularly interested in candidates who will be able to establish a strong research program in the computational and experimental science of perception or perception and action. Candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent from an accredited institution and a demonstrated ability to pursue an independent research program. The successful candidate will hold an appointment in an appropriate university department (e.g., Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Integrative Biology), will be expected to develop and maintain an extramurally funded research program, will be expected to participate in teaching activities at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, and will exhibit a commitment to service. For more information about the Center for Perceptual Systems see (FRD: 6267) *Applicant Instructions:* Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, current curriculum vita, representative scholarly publications, statement of research interests, evidence of excellence in teaching to: You should also have a minimum of three referees submit letters of recommendation to: Applications will be considered beginning November 1, 2015 and will continue to be reviewed until the position has been filled. Proof of conferred degree and a background check will be conducted on selected applicants. Position funding is pending final budgetary approval. Questions can be directed to the chair of the search committee, Dr. Wilson Geisler at The University of Texas at Austin and the Department of Psychology strongly value multiculturalism and diversity.** -- Ila Fiete Associate Professor Department of Neuroscience | Center for Learning and Memory The University of Texas at Austin
participants (1)
Ila Fiete