new Theoretical Neuroscience Podcast

I have started the #TheoreticalNeurosciencePodcast<> (<>). It is primarily aimed at students and researchers in the computational/theoretical neuroscience community, and I hope it will contribute to make our community even more lively and generous 🙂. I believe having a podcast where guests are invited to talk about their work is quite valuable for a scientific field, like the podcast "BrainInspired" for the NeuroAI community. We all struggle to keep up with what is going on in the field (at least I do), and for me listening to insightful podcasts is one of the few ways I get new input from outside my specialty. So far, three episodes have been released: #1: Grace Lindsay: On models of the mind ( #2: Christof Koch: On biophysics of computation ( #3: Arvind Kumar: On the neural code ( Best regards Gaute ******************************* Professor Gaute T. Einevoll Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 1432 Aas, Norway; Department of Physics, University of Oslo, 0316 Oslo, Norway email:<>, Zoom:<> twitter:<> theoretical neuroscience podcast:<> popular science podcast:<> populat science podcast (English only):<> Co-author of "Principles of computational modeling in neuroscience" (2nd ed):<> “If you sleep in a democracy, you may wake up with a dictator.”
participants (1)
Gaute Einevoll