Tenure Track position in Computational Neuroscience, NIDA-IRP

*Tenure-Track, Tenure-Eligible Investigator in **Computational Modeling, * *National Institute on Drug Abuse - Intramural Research Program* *Baltimore, MD * *(Review of Applications Begins: December 28)* The Intramural Research Program (IRP), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a research component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), is seeking an outstanding tenure-eligible or tenure-track scientist to develop a research program to use computational models and other tools (e.g. human functional imaging) to complement and expand existing research programs at the NIDA IRP. The successful candidate must possess a doctoral degree in neuroscience, physiology, economics or another relevant field with additional training and emphasis on computational neuroscience, learning and decision-making. Expertise in computational modeling and state of the art imaging techniques and a strong publication record highlighting his/her contributions to elucidating the computational mechanisms underlying brain systems involved in reward learning, cognitive control and decision making is highly desirable. Preference will be given to those with interest in applying computational models to the study of the neurobiology of addiction. In view of the required integrative approach, the successful candidate will be expected to collaborate with other research groups within NIDA - a proven ability to establish and sustain collaborative work is desired. Candidates must submit a CV, a statement of proposed research objectives and goals (3 pages or less), and contact information for 3 potential references to: Joshua Kysiak, Intramural Program Specialist, NIDA IRP, 251 Bayview Boulevard, Suite 200, Room 04A314, Baltimore, Maryland 21224. Telephone 443-740-2465, FAX 443-740-2865, Email: kysiakjo@nida.nih.gov <https://mail.nih.gov/owa/redir.aspx?SURL=1n7m_YTJ84moYRtNCS2AiK5V49da0Ff6C46...>. Review of applications will begin on or about December 28, 2015, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. DHHS and NIH are equal opportunity employers.
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Brian Sadacca