CogModel notes: ICCM15/BRIMS14/books/prize/new society/Job

This is the second emailing for ICCM 2015. Please forward if appropriate to your members, and put appropriate links onto your web site. Normally, the ICCM 2015 announcement would drive this email (it will be in Gronigen, near April 2015, on its regular (15/18 month) schedule, this should be settled next month). But, there are several timely announcements that indicate new publication outlets, resources, and jobs in Cog Sci and in cognitive modeling. I have also included several unusual items, including an interesting conference and a Kickstarter campaign! Now in order: meetings, resources, jobs. If you would like to be removed, please just let me know. I maintain it by hand to keep it small. [Hypertext version available at] cheers, Frank Ritter **************************************************************** 1. Intnl. Conf. on Cognitive Modeling, April 2015 in Gronigen, NL 2. WASET International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (!) [link suppressed] :::: Other conferences, workshops 3. BRIMS 2014 proceedings online 4. Cognitive Science Society annual meeting, 27 june early reg. deadline 5. Cognitive Science Tutorial Program, 23 July 2014 6. ACT-R Workshop at Cognitive Science 2014 [from act-r mailing list] 7. Soar Workshop, week of 16 June 8. 3rd Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, May 2015 9. BICA 2014 call for papers, due 26 May 2014, but other dates 10. Nengo Summer School, 8-21 June 11. Summer School - Web Science & the Mind, 7-18 July, reg. still open 12. CFP for 2015 iConference in Newport Beach, CA, 24-27 March 2015 papers due 5 sept 2014 13. Intl. Summer School in Cog. Sci., 30 Jun-11 July, Bulgaria 14. 14th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, 21-23 Aug 15. AI for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI), papers due 13 June 14 :::: Other resources 16. OpenWorm Kickstarter Campaign 17. Numerous books to review 18. Premodeling / HCI book FDUCs: What designers need to know about people 19. New Society: The Society for Affective Science and Conference 20. $10k prize for best paper in Human Factors journal, due 2 June 14 :::: Jobs 21. Post doctoral Scholar in Systems Neuroscience and Connectivity Modeling **************************************************************** 1. International Conf. on Cognitive Modeling, April 2015 in Gronigen, NL The International Conference on Cognitive Modeling will take place in April 2015 (approx. date) at RU/Gronigen, in the Netherlands. The deadline date for submissions will be in the Fall of 2014. Further announcements will provide more details. **************************************************************** 2. WASET International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (!) [link suppressed] Cognitive modeling has grown, and we don't always know everyone doing it any more. But, it has also now grown enough that WASET, the (so-called) World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology has created a "WASET International Conference on Cognitive Modeling". WASET has NO RELATION to the ICCM conference folks. If you have any useful suggestions, please get in touch. I've emailed a few of their program committee members, where I could find their addresses, to start a discussion. The program committee appears to be made up of scholars from other areas, and I have confirmed that with two of them, who don't know how to be removed. References,_Engineering_and_Tech... Google has plenty more information on WASET. Google: WASET International Conference on Cognitive Modeling 2014 will get you to the interesting conference. [I now suggest that we put copyright on our web pages, and, realise that cognitive modeling is now important enough to be copied (that is a neutral term) by WASAT.] **************************************************************** 3. BRIMS 2014 proceedings online The Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS) conference ( was held 1-4 April. It was held with the Social computing, Behavioral-cultural modeling, and Prediction (SBP) conference ( in DC. Its proceedings are online at The place and time for next year are not yet announced. **************************************************************** 4. Cognitive Science Society annual meeting, 27 june early reg. deadline CogSci 2014 - Cognitive Science Meets Artificial Intelligence: Human and Artificial Agents in Interactive Contexts Quebec City, CA 23-26 July 2014 Website URL for future conference: ---- Highlights Include: Plenary Speakers: Dedre Gentner, Steven Harnad, & Minoru Asada 13th Rumelhart Prize Recipient: Ray Jackendoff Symposia: "Foundations of Social Cognition", "Moral Cognition and Computation", "The Future of Human-Agent Interaction" Cognitive scientists from around the world are invited to attend CogSci 2014, the world's premiere annual conference on cognitive science. The conference represents a broad spectrum of disciplines, topics, and methodologies from across the cognitive sciences. In addition to the invited presentations, the program will be filled with reviewed submissions from the following categories: papers, symposia, presentation-based talks, member abstracts, tutorials, and workshops. Submissions must be completed electronically through the conference submissions web site. Submissions may be in any area of the cognitive sciences, including, but not limited to, anthropology, artificial intelligence, computational cognitive systems, cognitive development, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology, education, linguistics, logic, machine learning, neural networks, philosophy, robotics and social network studies. Information regarding the submission process, including opening dates for the submission website will be posted shortly. We look forward to seeing you in Quebec City. Conference Co-Chairs: Paul Bello, Marcello Guarini, Marjorie McShane, and Brian Scassellati *********************************************************** 5. Cognitive Science Tutorial Program, 23 July 2014 Growth Curve Analysis: A Hands-On Tutorial on Using Multilevel Regression to Analyze Time Course Data Daniel Mirman Full Day Tutorial on Quantum Models of Cognition and Decision Zheng Wang, Jerome Busemeyer, Jennifer Trueblood Probability, programs, and the mind: Building structured Bayesian models of cognition Noah Goodman, Josh Tenenbaum Online Experiments using jsPsych, psiTurk, and Amazon Mechanical Turk Josh de Leeuw, Anna Coenen, Doug Markant, Jay B. Jay B. Martin, John McDonnell, Alexander Rich, Todd Gureckis Types and states: Mixture and hidden Markov models for cognitive science Ingmar Visser, Maarten Speekenbrink Practical Advice on How to Run Human Behavioral Studies Frank Ritter, Jong Kim *********************************************************** 6. ACT-R Workshop at Cognitive Science 2014 [from act-r mailing list] The ACT-R Workshop 2014 will be held as part of the Cognitive Science annual meeting: The workshop this year will be organized around four themes: Neuroscience, Metacognition, Applications, and Architecture. We expect to discuss a wide range of issues that relate to cognitive architectures and cognitive modeling more generally; anyone interested in these issues (regardless of familiarity with ACT-R) is invited and encouraged to attend. If you have an idea for a short presentation at the workshop, please email me, a possible title and description. Registration information should be available soon on the Cognitive Science web site. **************************************************************** 7. Soar Workshop, week of 16 June The Center for Cognitive Architecture at the University of Michigan ( and Soar Technology ( are pleased to announce that the 34th Soar Workshop will be held the week of June 16, 2014 at the Computer Science and Engineering building at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. For those of you not familiar with the Soar Workshop (, each year, members of the Soar community -- faculty, scientists, graduate students, technical staff and developers -- gather together for several days of intensive interaction and exchange on Soar. The Soar community is widely distributed geographically, so these workshops ( provide an opportunity to have face-to-face conversations, learn about the current status of other participants' research and get previews of what will happen in the future. We will try to give as many members of the community as possible the opportunity to describe their research or discuss the Soar issues that are of concern to them. This means the time available per talk is quite short (typically either 5 or 15 minutes). Since workshop attendees are already entrenched in the Soar world, brief talks that concentrate on only the essentials work very well. The workshop format is presentations only -- no formal papers. [but slides are often collected] There is no charge to attend the 33rd Soar Workshop although registration at this link is required. You may sign up to give talks of various lengths as soon as you're registered. And then please upload a copy of your presentation(s) by June 4th, 2013 via the Soar Workshop registration page ( Please make sure to register as soon as possible so that we can plan the workshop accordingly! Questions and information regarding the workshop should be directed to John Laird via ( email, mail or phone: Soar Workshop 33 c/o John Laird 2260 Hayward Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2121 (734) 647-1761 **************************************************************** 8. 3rd Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, May 2015 We are currently in the process of organizing the 3rd Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems (ACS). We wanted to give you a heads up that ACS will be moving to a spring conference. The next ACS will be held at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia USA on May 29-31, 2015. The paper submission deadline will be in February 2015. As you may have heard, AAAI has moved to a winter conference to avoid conflict with IJCAI (which has become an annual event). The ACS organizing committee felt it best to avoid a collision with AAAI's paper submission deadlines. We hope that the ACS move to spring will allow the diverse and dynamic cognitive systems community to grow. Please be on the look out for the call for papers in the coming months. Best, Ashok Goel and Mark Riedl Co-Chairs, 3rd Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems [there is also a mailing list that they have added people to:] **************************************************************** 9. BICA 2014 call for papers, due 26 May 2014, but other dates 2014 Annual Intl Conf on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA 2014) Fifth Annual Meeting of the BICA Society November 7-9 (Friday-Sunday): MIT, Cambridge, MA ( Sponsors: The BICA Society; MIT; Elsevier B.V. Points of contact: Paul Robertson ( and Alexei Samsonovich ( Call for Papers Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) are computational frameworks for building intelligent agents that are inspired from biological intelligence. Biological intelligent systems, notably animals such as humans, have many qualities that are often lacking in artificially designed systems including robustness, flexibility and adaptability to environments. At a point in time where visibility into naturally intelligent systems is exploding, thanks to modern brain imaging and recording techniques allowing us to map brain structures and functions, our ability to learn lessons from nature and to build biologically inspired intelligent systems has never been greater. At the same time, the growth in computer science and technology has unleashed enough computational power at sufficiently low prices, that an explosion of intelligent applications from driverless vehicles, to augmented reality, to ubiquitous robots, is now almost certain. The growth in these fields challenges the computational replication of all essential aspects of the human mind (the BICA Challenge), an endeavor which is interdisciplinary in nature and promises to yield bi-directional flow of understanding between all involved disciplines. Scope With the scope of BICA 2014 covering all areas of BICA-related research listed below, the major thrusts will be Perception, Attention, and Language. Here the key questions are: ? What can we learn from biological systems about how perception, attention, decision making, and action work together to produce intelligent behavior that is robust in natural environments? ? What have we learned about information flow in biological systems that can aid us in building better artificial systems that combine perception, action, language, learning, and decision making in robots and intelligent agents? ? What have we learned recently about information flow in the brain that can lead to better cognitive models that combine perception, attention, decision making, action, language, and learning? ? What role is played by emotions in perception, attention, decision making, language, and learning? ? How have we, or can we incorporate into cognitive architectures new evolving understandings about flow of information in biological cognitive systems? ? What mathematical foundations are emerging today that can support perception and learning? In addition to these focus topic areas of BICA 2014, we encourage submission of papers in all areas of BICA research, especially in the following areas. Neuroscience: .... Social, Economic and Educational Sciences: ... Cognitive Science: .... Artificial Intelligence: .... General: .... Format and Agenda The format of the conference is a 2.5-day meeting including paper presentations, panel discussions, invited talks, and demonstration showcases. Symposia and other mini-events (special sessions, breakout groups, brainstorms, think-tanks, socials, contests, and more) as part of the conference will be added as needed (proposals are solicited). In addition, BICA 2014 will host a special track "Doctorial Consortium" for which a "best student paper" award will be presented. We will also host technology demonstrations, for which we solicit proposals, and a poster session. We solicit additionally proposals for panel topics. The working language is English. As a part of our rich social and cultural program included in the registration, we are planning a Welcome Reception and a boat trip into the Atlantic on Saturday night, with a banquet on the boat. Detailed program is not available yet. Please see our separate pages for Confirmed symposia planned as part of BICA 2014 (we are asking for additional proposals). Submission and Publication Venues Publication venues include: (1) the Elsevier journal BICA - papers may be distributed among several journal issues; and (2) a volume of Procedia Computer Science, indexed by Web of Science and Scopus. One EasyChair submission site will be used for all categories of submissions, including (1), (2) and also (3): stand-alone abstracts that will be included in the conference program brochure, without being published. All submissions will undergo one round of peer-reviews. The category may be changed based on reviews. All conference materials (including papers and abstracts) will be together made available locally for conference participants (included in the registration package) via USB and/or the Internet. Invited speakers are not required, but are encouraged to submit papers or abstracts. Other participants can have presentations accepted based on an abstract only, without a paper submission. Core Organizing Committee Paul Robertson (DOLL, Inc.): General Chair Patrick H. Winston (CSAIL/MIT): Co-Chair Howard Shrobe (CSAIL/MIT): Co-Chair Alexei Samsonovich (GMU): Co-Chair, PC Chair Antonio Chella: OC Member Christian Lebiere: OC Member Kamilla R. Johannsdottir: OC Member Important Dates Proposals for Sub-Events: Symposia, Workshops and Socials - March 1 Doctoral Consortium Submit - May 05 Technology Demos - June 13 Panel Session Interest - June 27 Paper and Abstract Submission: Paper and abstract submission opens - March 1st Abstract and Paper Submission Due - May 26* Paper Review Feedback - June 14* Final Papers Due - August 01 Late-breaking stand-alone abstracts due - August 31 Registration and Conference: Early-bird registration (opens soon) due: June 17* Regular author-presenter registration due - June 27* Guest and non-presenting attendee online registration due - October 1 Sessions of the conference BICA 2014: November 7-9 *Deadlines extended as of April 28 **************************************************************** 10. Nengo Summer School, 8-21 June [From Chris Eliasmith, the registration is long past, but it's worth noting that this is another cognitive architecture summer school, which might be repeated.] I thought you might have some acquaintances or students who would be interested to know that we're hosting a summer school this year. It will be on all things Nengo & SPA. We're encouraging people to bring projects and/or data they'd like to turn into a detailed model. We'll have a very good instructor/student ratio (1:2). It's more fully described here: The application deadline was Feb 15. **************************************************************** 11. Summer School - Web Science & the Mind, 7-18 July, reg. still open [This appears to be a standing event that might be useful to modellers] The Institut des Sciences Cognitives at UQAM (Montreal) is organising its fifth Summer School, this year on the topic of "Web Science and the Mind" * Topic includes social network analysis, semantic web, distributed cognition, ... * Scholarships (500$ + registration) * Call for posters * Can be worth 3 credits Please contact us with any questions or comments you may have: Guillaume Chicoisne Institut des sciences cognitives, Montreal -------- The Fifth Summer School in Cognitive Sciences : Web Science and the Mind. Organized by the UQAM Cognitive Science Institute in Montreal (Canada), from July 7 to 18. Theme of the Summer Institute: Web Science and the Mind. This summer school will present a comprehensive overview of the interactions between the web and cognitive sciences, with topics ranging from social network analysis to distributed cognition and semantic web. The Summer School will feature a poster session. Information about this poster session is available at: Deadline: April 11th 2014 Registration for the Summer School is open (''Early Bird'' Registration fees until May 9th). Note that the lowest fee is for students that will attend the Summer School as a credited activity (worth 3 university credits). Details: Scholarships for travel, accomodation and/or registration will be available for students registered in a Quebec University (CREPUQ). Want to stay in touch? Follow us on Twitter! @iscUQAM We hope to see you there in July. **************************************************************** 12. CFP for 2015 iConference in Newport Beach, CA, 24-27 March 2015 papers due 5 sept 2014 [This is a potential outlet, particularly for models applied to information systems] [from CHI-announcements] Call for Participation, iConference 2015 The iConference is an international gathering of scholars and researchers concerned with critical information issues in contemporary society. iConference 2015 ( takes place March 24-27 in Newport Beach, California. The following submissions are invited: *Submission Type* *Deadline* *Notification* Papers ( Friday, September 5, 2014, midnight PDT mid-November Posters ( Friday, October 10, 2014, midnight PDT mid-November Workshops ( Friday, September 26, 2014, midnight PDT Monday, October 27, 2014 Interactive Sessions ( Friday, October 10, 2014, midnight PDT mid-November Doctoral Colloquium: Friday, September 12, 2014, midnight PDT Friday, October 24, 2014 Social Media Expo ( Participation commitment letter due October 14, 2014; submissions due December 15, 2014. Thursday, January 15, 2015 Dissertation Award: Wednesday, October 15, 2014, midnight PDT Thursday, January 15, 2015 iConference 2015 is presented by the iSchools organization ( and hosted by The Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences at University of California, Irvine. All information researchers and scholars are welcome. Sample topics of past iConferences include the following: ? social computing ? human-computer interaction ? digital youth ? information retrieval ? network science ? digital humanities ? data science ? information economics ? information systems ? information policy ? knowledge infrastructures ? computational social science ? information work and workers ? user experience and design ? data, text and knowledge mining ? digital curation and preservation ? computer-supported cooperative work ? bibliometrics and scholarly communication ? social, cultural, health and community informatics ? information and communication technology for development -- Gary M. Olson (949) 824-0077 Department of Informatics Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-3440 **************************************************************** 13. Intl. Summer School in Cog. Sci., 30 Jun-11 July, Bulgaria The 21st edition of the well-known International Summer School in Cognitive Science will take place during the two weeks from June 30th until July 11th at the New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria. The summer school features advanced courses for graduate students and young researchers in a variety of areas, including embodied cognition and dynamic field theory, behavioral experimentation from reaction times to model testing, computational approaches to development, the cognitive science of social dilemmas, the epistemology of cognitive science and neuroscience, and a practical course on working with E-prime as a software tool for experiment design and implementation. The summer school will also feature a participant symposium (submit your brief papers to the school email below by June 9). Registration is now open. For more information, visit the school's website: You can contact us at the following email address: **************************************************************** 14. 14th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, 21-23 Aug NCPW14 Call for Papers - 14th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop We cordially invite you to participate in the 14th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW14) to be held at Lancaster University, UK, from August 21-23, 2014: This well-established and lively workshop aims at bringing together researchers from different disciplines such as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science, neurobiology, philosophy and psychology to discuss their work on models of cognitive processes. Often this workshop has had a theme, and this time it is 'Development across the lifespan', but also submissions that do not fall under this theme are welcome. Papers must be about emergent models - frequently, but not necessarily - of the connectionist/neural network kind, applied to cognition. The NCPW workshops have always been characterized by their limited size, high quality papers, the absence of parallel talk sessions, and a schedule that is explicitly designed to encourage interaction among the researchers present in an informal setting. NCPW14 is no exception. The scientific program will consist of keynote lectures, oral sessions and poster sessions. Furthermore, this workshop will feature a unique set of invited speakers: James McClelland, Stanford University. Bob McMurray, University of Iowa. Michael Thomas, Birkbeck College, London. Rumelhart Memorial Travel Awards The Rumelhart Memorial Travel awards, generously funded by Professor Jay McClelland, will provide funding to support travel costs for students/post docs presenting at the conference. Awards of US$250 are available to students or post docs from Western European countries, and US$750 for students or post docs from elsewhere. Decisions will be based on the quality of the submission. Eligibility criteria The first author of the submission is a PhD student or Post-doctoral fellow who will attend the meeting and will present the submission if chosen to receive a travel award. Location Lancaster is situated in the north west of England, approximately one hour from Manchester and Liverpool airports. Lancaster is surrounded by spectacular scenery, hiking and climbing country. The Yorkshire Dales national park is 10 miles away. The Lake District national park is 20 miles away, The stagecoach 555 bus ( takes you directly from Lancaster through the heart of the Lakes. The Trough of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is 2 miles away. Important dates to remember Abstract deadline: 15 May Notification of abstract acceptance: 7 June Early registration deadline: tbc Online registration deadline: tbc Conference dates: 21-23 August, 2014 Looking forward to your participation! Organizing Committee Gert Westermann, Lancaster University Padraic Monaghan, Lancaster University Katherine E. Twomey, Liverpool University Alastair C. Smith, MPI Nijmegen -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Gert Westermann +44 (0)1524 592-942 Department of Psychology Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YF **************************************************************** 15. AI for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI), papers due 13 June 14 AAAI Fall Symposium: AI for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI) Nov 13-15, 2014 -- Arlington, VA 2 page abstracts due June 13 Email as a pdf to: This symposium will bring together and strengthen the community of researchers working on the AI challenges inherent to Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Humans and human environments bring with them inherent uncertainty in dynamics, structure, and interaction. HRI aims to develop robots that are intelligent, autonomous, and capable of interacting with, modeling, and learning from humans. These goals are at the core of AI. The field of HRI is a broad community encompassing robotics, AI, HCI, psychology and social science. In this meeting we aim to specifically bring together the subset of this community that are focused on the AI problems of HRI. Currently this type of HRI work is seen across such a variety of venues (HRI, RSS, ICRA, IROS, Ro-Man, RoboCup, and more), that we lack a cohesive core community. Building this community is the central purpose of this symposium. Planned activities: - Keynote talks "How is HRI an AI problem?": We will have keynotes giving eight different perspectives about how AI research is going to bring us closer to the reality of humans interacting with robots on everyday tasks. - Breakout groups + panel discussions: these discussions will be focused on (1) defining a road map of grand challenges for this research area, and (2) what is the core venue for this community. - Poster session: This session will highlight state-of-the-art work and approaches to AI-HRI. - Team building: Given the diverse set of venues that this type of research is presented, it is very rare that members of the AI-HRI community get together in the same room. As such, a large part of this effort is to bring together a community of researchers, strengthen old connections and build new ones. Ample time will be provided for networking and informal discussions. Confirmed speakers: - Rodney Brooks - Cynthia Breazeal - Henrik Christensen - Maja Mataric - Manuela Veloso Important dates: - To have your work featured in the poster session, submit a two-page abstract by 13 June 14. Email your submission as a pdf to - Decisions will be returned by July 11, 2014 - The symposium will be held Nov 13-15, 2014 in Arlington, VA. Organizing committee: - Andrea L. Thomaz, Georgia Institute of Technology (chair) - Kris Hauser, Indiana University - Chad Jenkins, Brown University - Maja J. Mataric, University of Southern California - Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "HRI-announcement" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit **************************************************************** 16. OpenWorm Kickstarter Campaign [from] [this is cool and interesting on several levels and ways] From: Shreejoy Tripathy <> Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 11:31:07 -0700 To:, Subject: [Comp-neuro] OpenWorm Kickstarter Campaign I'm writing to let you know about the OpenWorm Kickstarter Campaign ( As you may know, the goal of the OpenWorm project is to digitally simulate a C. Elegans organism. By design, the project is organized in a geographically distributed fashion and all of the work is being done in the open (on GitHub and Youtube) using entirely open source code and public data. Though I'm not a worm researcher, I'm supporting OpenWorm's Kickstarter because I strongly believe in their overall mission. As a computational neuroscientist, I see the project as a necessary first step in the simulation of more complex organisms, including mice and ultimately humans. Moreover, I see my Kickstarter contribution as a future investment in the open source tools and methodologies that OpenWorm develops that I hope to eventually use in my own research. More philosophically, I think that lately the field of neuroscience has suffered from some amount of "overhype", especially given the initially promised outcomes of recent large-scale brain initiatives (e.g., recording from all neurons in a mammalian brain, simulating an entire human brain). While these projects have been hugely successful in catalyzing widespread public support of basic neuroscience research, many neuroscientists see these promises as perhaps a bridge too far given the current research state. Though OpenWorm's goals are itself highly ambitious, the relative simplicity of the worm (named neurons, stereotyped connectomes and musculature, the ability to image neuronal activity in vivo) lends itself well to this attempt. By conducting the project in the open and basing success on quantifiable goals (i.e., how similar are the simulated worm's movements and neural activity to experimental measurements), the project will serve as a roadmap for future endeavours in multi-scale data integration and organismal simulation. Lastly, the geographically distributed and highly interdisciplinary nature of the project makes it challenging to receive funding through traditional NIH-style mechanisms. For this reason, I'm asking you to join me in supporting the project's Kickstarter campaign. More information: OpenWorm Website: Kickstarter campaign link: Project overview by OpenWorm member and neuroscientist Jim Hokanson: OpenWorm QandA on Reddit: Sincerely, Shreejoy Tripathy Post-doc and Developer of University of British Columbia Centre for High-Throughput Biology **************************************************************** 17. Numerous books to review If you would like to review a book, there are several books recently published that their publishers would give you a copy to facilitate a review in a magazine or journal. If you are interested, email me and I'll foward you to the publisher. Foundations for Designing User-Centered Systems: What system designers need to know about people, Frank Ritter, Gordon Baxter, & Elizabeth Churchill. (2014). Springer. Game Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Player Data [Hardcover] Magy Seif El-Nasr, Anders Drachen, Alessandro Canossa (Eds) How to build a brain, A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition Chris Eliasmith, OUP. Minding Norms: Mechanisms and dynamics of social order in agent societies Rosaria Conte, Giulia Andrighetto, and Marco Campenni (eds) Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact Jonathan Gratch and Stacy Marsella (eds). Running Behavioral studies with human participants Ritter, Kim, Morgan, & Carlson, Sage **************************************************************** 18. Premodeling / HCI book FDUCs: What designers need to know about people We have published book that is in many ways an HCI book, its first use is as a Human-computer interaction textbook (it has been used in at least 4 universities), but it is also a modeling book -- It is designed to create models of users in designers heads. Foundations for Designing User-Centered Systems: What system designers need to know about people, Frank Ritter, Gordon Baxter, & Elizabeth Churchill. (2014). Springer. If your library subscribes to Springer link, you can get a pdf from there. If you want a desk copy, there are links from the site above to order one. If all else fails, contact me. I use it to teach HCI, as have several at other universities and several penn state campuses. **************************************************************** 19. New Society: The Society for Affective Science and Conference A new society has been formed -- The Society for Affective Science. Its mission is to foster basic and applied research in the variety of fields that study affect, broadly defined. Our inaugural conference will be April 24-26, 2014 in Washington DC. This conference will be student-friendly, open, and theoretically and methodologically diverse. It will provide a forum for cross-cutting work in emotion, stress, and many other topics that fall under the broad umbrella of affective science. For more information see the society website: Program highlights for the first meeting can be found at: As you will see, the first meeting features an invited program of talks in addition to a call for posters. We expect the program to shift to submissions as the society develops. Currently, the meeting is largely single tracked, and in addition to the invited addresses and presidential symposium, the program includes methodology lunches, salons with well-known affective scientists, and a debate to keep things lively. Please feel free to send this email to your students, postdocs, and colleagues. If you have questions, please email us at: **************************************************************** 20. $10k prize for best paper in Human Factors journal, due 2 June 14 [this appears to becoming an annual prize, modeling papers get published in HF and there are modellers as editors and reviewers] Submit your research for the 2014 Human Factors Prize--You could win $10,000! The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) welcomes your submission for the 2014 Human Factors Prize: Recognizing Excellence in Human Factors/Ergonomics Research. The best paper will receive: $10,000 cash award Publication in the Society's flagship journal, ( Human Factors The 2014 topic is human-automation interaction/autonomy. We seek articles that describe human factors/ergonomics (HF/E) research that pertains to effective and satisfying interaction between humans and automation. Plan to submit your work between April 1 and June 2, 2014. Eligibility Requirements: Any researcher is eligible to submit relevant work; membership in HFES is not required. Submissions must cover original (unpublished) research in the topical area and comply with the requirements in the Human Factors ( instructions for authors. Review articles and brief reports are not eligible. Submissions must not be received prior to April 1 or after June 2, 2014. To see examples of articles on subject matter similar to the 2014 Prize topic, visit the Human Factors Prize Web page ( The award will be formally conferred at a special session at the HFES International Annual Meeting, where the recipient will present his or her work ( Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFS) is a peer-reviewed journal presenting original works of scientific merit that contribute to the understanding and advancement of the systematic consideration of people in relation to machines, systems, tools, and environments. HFS highlights fundamental human capabilities, limitations, and tendencies, as well as the basics of human performance. Human Factors Impact Factor: 1.182 Ranked: 7/16 in Ergonomics | 21/44 in Engineering, Industrial | 39/72 in Psychology, Applied | 44/49 in Behavioral Sciences | 51/75 in Psychology Source: 2012 Journal Citation Reports(R) (Thomson Reuters, 2013) Questions? Contact HFES Communications Director Lois Smith at We look forward to receiving your submission. **************************************************************** 21. Post doctoral Scholar in Systems Neuroscience and Connectivity Modeling [this was announced in February, but is still up on the web site] Post doctoral Scholar in Systems Neuroscience and Connectivity Modeling Job Number: 41202 Affirmative Action Search No. #: 021-320 Department: Psychology Rank: Post Doc Announcement: We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Scholar in the area of clinical/cognitive neuroscience, brain imaging, and network modeling. The successful candidate will work in collaboration with investigators at The Pennsylvania State University including Dr. Hillary in Psychology, Dr. Reka Albert in Physics and Dr. Peter Molenaar in Human Development and Family Studies. The goals of the research focus on time series analysis, graph theory, and connectivity modeling of human brain imaging data (high density EEG, BOLD fMRI). The primary responsibility of this position is to facilitate ongoing research examining neural plasticity after severe traumatic brain injury in humans. There is also keen interest for this position to support the development of novel methods for understanding plasticity from a systems neuroscience perspective. This includes prospective data collection as well as analysis of existing data sets. Current lab goals aim to focus on issues regarding: 1) signal processing (i.e., non-stationarity in time series data; cross-frequency coupling), 2) large scale connectivity analysis (e.g., graph theory), 3) machine learning, and 4) novel methods isolating regions of interest. A Doctorate (M.D. and/or Ph.D.) degree is required by the appointment date. Excellent verbal and written communication skills and a background in computational modeling (broadly defined) is required and programming experience is preferred. Review of applications will begin in February and continue until the position is filled. The appointment is for two years with a tentative start date flexible. To apply, submit cover letter, curriculum vita, and the names and contact information for three references through For additional information, contact Frank G. Hillary, Employment will require successful completion of background check(s) in accordance with University policies. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce. **************************************************************** -30-
participants (1)
Frank Ritter