[IJCNN 2017] Submission deadline is extended to Thursday, 1st December 2359 hr (UTC-8 hr)

[Apologies for cross-postings] ################################################## CALL FOR PAPERS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks May 14-19, 2017, Anchorage, Alaska, USA http://www.ijcnn.org/ http://www.ijcnn.org/call-for-papers ################################################## IJCNN is the premier international conference in the area of neural network theory, analysis, and applications. Co-sponsored by the International Neural Network Society (INNS) and the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE-CIS), over the last three decades this conference and its predecessors has hosted [past, present, and future] leaders of neural network research. IJCNN 2017 will feature invited plenary talks by world-renowned speakers in the areas of neural network theory and applications, computational neuroscience, robotics, and distributed intelligence. In addition to regular technical sessions with oral and poster presentations, the conference program will include special sessions, competitions, tutorials and workshops on topics of current interest. The 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2017) will be held at the William A. Egan Civic and Convention Center in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 14-19, 2017. "... Only in Anchorage can you meet a moose, walk on a glacier and explore a vast, natural park all in a single day. Between mountains and an inlet, surrounded by national parks and filled with Alaska wildlife, Anchorage combines the best of Alaska in a city that has the comforts of home and the hospitality of the Last Frontier. ..." For the latest updates, follow us on Facebook (https://fb.me/ijcnn2017/) and Twitter (@ijcnn2017). ##############################Important Dates############################## * Paper Submission December 1, 2016 * Paper Decision Notification January 20, 2017 * Camera-Ready Submission February 20, 2017 ########################################################################### ##########################Plenary Speakers########################## * Alex Graves, Research Scientist, Google DeepMind * Stephen Grossberg, Wang Professor of Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University, USA * Odest Chadwicke Jenkins, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan * Christof Koch, President and Chief Scientific Officer, Allen Institute for Brain Science, USA * Jose C. Principle, Distinguished Professor, University of Florida, USA * Hava Siegelmann, Program Manager, DARPA * Paul Werbos, Program Director (retired), National Science Foundation #################################################################### ##########################Accepted Special Sessions########################## 1 Advanced Data Analytics for Large-scale Complex Data Environment Jia, Wu (University of Technology Sydney); Shirui, Pan; Xiangnan, Kong; Ivor W., Tsang 2 Advances in Computational Intelligence for applied Time Series Forecasting (ACIATSF) Rodriguez Rivero (Universidad Nacional de Crdoba, Argentina), Cristian; Leonardo, Franco; Julian, Pucheta; Juarez, Gustavo 3 Artificial Neural Network Solutions in Power Plant Safety and Security Alamaniotis, Miltos (Purdue University, USA); Tambouratzis, Tatiana 4 Artificial Neural Network-Based Methodologies for Environmental Sustainability Development: Theory and Practice Souliou, Dora (National Technical University of Athens, Greece);Tambouratzis, Tatiana 5 Biologically Inspired Computational Vision Iftekharuddin, Khan (Old Dominion Univ., USA) 6 Biologically-inspired Neural Networks and Learning Systems for Robotics Luo, Chaomin (Univ. of Detroit City, USA) 7 Cognition and Development Alessandro Di Nuovo (Sheffield Hallam Univ., UK); Pierre-Yves Oudeyer; Angelo Cangelosi 8 Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Digital Audio Applications Principi, Emanuele (Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Italy); Uncini, Aurelio; Schuller, Björn; Squartini, Stefano 9 Concept Drift, Domain Adaptation & Learning in Dynamic Environments Giacomo, Boracchi (Politecnico de Milano, Italy); Robi, Polikar; Manuel, Roveri; regory Ditzler 10 Cybersecurity Analytics Catherine Huang (Intel) 11 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Cyber-Physical Systems Bo, Tang (Hofstra Univ. USA); Ozawa, Seiichi; Alippi, Cerase; He, Haibo 12 Data stream mining in industry Xu, Rui (General Electric); Xu, YunWen; Yan, Weizhong 13 Deep and Reinforcement Learning (DRL) Altahhan, Abdulrahman (Coventry Univ., UK); Palade, Vasile; Razavi-Far, Roozbeh; 14 Explainability of Learning Machines Guyon, Isabelle (Universit Paris-Saclay, France); Escalante, Hugo Jair; Escalera, Sergio; Viegas, Evelyne 15 Extreme Learning Machines (ELM) Huang, Guang-Bin (Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore); Cambria, Erik; Weizhong, Yan; Wunsch II, Donald C. 16 Incremental Machine Learning: Methods and Applications Nicoleta Rogovschi (Paris Descartes Univ., France); Seiichi Ozawa (Kobe University, Japan) 17 Intelligent Vehicle and Transportation Systems Murphey, Yi (Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn, USA); Abou-Nasr, Mahmoud; Sethi, Ishwar K; Robert, Karlsen; Ahmadi , Majid; Luo, Chaomin; Dauwels, Justin; Kocchar, Dev; 18 Interpretable Models in Machine Learning for Advanced Data Analysis Biehl, Michael (Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands); Villmann, Thomas 19 Large Datasets and Big Data Analytics: Theory, Methods, and Applications Oneto, Luca (University of Genoa, Italy); Navarin, Nicolo?; Donini, Michele; Aiolli, Fabio; Anguita Davide 20 Machine Learning for Business Analytics Sung, Chul (IBM); Higgins, Chunhui; Zhang Bo; Park, Chanjin 21 Machine Learning for Enhancing Biomedical Data Analysis Martin-Guerrero, Jose D. (Univ. of Valencia, Spain); Lisboa, Paulo J. G.; Vellido, Alfredo; Taktak, Azzam F. G.; Peterson, Leif E. 22 Machine Learning Methods Applied to Medicine Bolon-Canedo, Veronica (Univ. of A Corua, Spain); Remeseiro, Beatriz; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo; Campilho, Aurelio 23 Machine Learning Methods applied to Vision and Robotics (MLMVR) Garcia-Rodriguez, Jose (Univ. of Alicante, Spain); Escalera, Sergio; Psarrou, Alexandra;Guyo, Isabel; Lewis, Andrew; Leitner, Juxi; Dominguez, Enrique 24 Machine Learning Techniques for Data-Driven Cyber Security Hongmei He (Cranfield Univ., UK) 25 Mind, Brain, and Cognitive Algorithms Perlovsky, Leonid (Northeastern Univ., USA); Fontanari, Jose F.; Roy, Asim; Cangelosi, Angelo; Levine, Daniel 26 Nature-Inspired Neural Network Optimization Bosman (Rakitianskaia), Anna (Univ. of Pretoria, South Africa); Engelbrecht, Andries 27 Neuro-Inspired Computing with Nanoelectronic Devices Saibal Mukhopadhyay (Georgia Tech, USA); Kaushik Roy 28 Neural Network Transfer Learning for the Recognition of Human Behavior and Affect Schwenker, Friedhelm (Univ. of Ulm, Germany); Scherer, Stefan; 29 Online Real-Time Strategies for Data Stream Mining Mahardhika Pratama (La Trobe University, Australia), Plamen P. Angelov, Meng Joo Er, Edwin Lughofer 30 Optimizing Neural Networks via Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence Wei-Chang Yeh (National Tsing Hua Univ. Taiwan), Yew-Soon Ong 31 Probabilistic Models and Kernel Methods Sun, Shiliang (East China Normal Univ. China); Ding, Shifei; Liu, Huawen; Wang, Wenjian; Yang, Xiaowei; Zhang, Li; Zhao, Jing 32 Reservoir Computing in Hardware Merkel, Cory (Airforce Research Laboratory, USA); McDonald, Nathan; Thiem, Clare; Wysocki, Bryant 33 Smart Educational Techniques in Big Data Age Guandong Xu (Univ. Technology Sydney, Australia), Gang Li, and Wu He ############################################################################ # ############Paper Submission and Publication############ * Regular paper can have up to 8 pages in double-column IEEE Conference format * All papers are to be prepared using IEEE-compliant Latex or Word templates on paper of U.S. letter size. * All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism through the IEEE CrossCheck system. * Papers with significant overlap with the authors own papers or other papers will be rejected without review. ######################################################## ##################Topics and Areas of Interest################## This conference solicits papers addressing original works in topics and areas of interest including, but are not limited to: NEURAL NETWORK MODELS * Feedforward neural networks * Recurrent neural networks * Self-organizing maps * Radial basis function networks * Attractor neural networks and associative memory * Modular networks * Fuzzy neural networks * Spiking neural networks * Reservoir networks (echo-state networks, liquid-state machines, etc.) * Large-scale neural networks * Other topics in artificial neural networks MACHINE LEARNING * Supervised learning * Unsupervised learning and clustering, (including PCA, and ICA) * Reinforcement learning * Probabilistic and information-theoretic methods * Support vector machines and kernel methods * EM algorithms * Mixture models, ensemble learning, and other meta-learning or committee algorithms * Bayesian, belief, causal, and semantic networks * Statistical and pattern recognition algorithms * Visualization of data * Feature selection, extraction, and aggregation * Evolutionary learning * Hybrid learning methods * Computational power of neural networks * Deep learning * Other topics in machine learning NEURODYNAMICS * Dynamical models of spiking neurons * Synchronization and temporal correlation in neural networks * Dynamics of neural systems * Chaotic neural networks * Dynamics of analog networks * Neural oscillators and oscillator networks * Dynamics of attractor networks * Other topics in neurodynamics COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE * Connectomics * Models of large-scale networks in the nervous system * Models of neurons and local circuits * Models of synaptic learning and synaptic dynamics * Models of neuromodulation * Brain imaging * Analysis of neurophysiological and neuroanatomical data * Cognitive neuroscience * Models of neural development * Models of neurochemical processes * Neuroinformatics * Other topics in computational neuroscience NEURAL MODELS OF PERCEPTION, COGNITION AND ACTION * Neurocognitive networks * Cognitive architectures * Models of conditioning, reward and behavior * Cognitive models of decision-making * Embodied cognition * Cognitive agents * Multi-agent models of group cognition * Developmental and evolutionary models of cognition * Visual system * Auditory system * Olfactory system * Other sensory systems * Attention * Learning and memory * Spatial cognition, representation and navigation * Semantic cognition and language * Neural models of symbolic processing * Reasoning and problem-solving * Working memory and cognitive control * Emotion and motivation * Motor control and action * Dynamical models of coordination and behavior * Consciousness and awareness * Models of sleep and diurnal rhythms * Mental disorders * Other topics in neural models of perception, cognition and action NEUROENGINEERING * Brain-machine interfaces * Neural prostheses * Neuromorphic hardware * Embedded neural systems * Other topics in neuroengineering BIO-INSPIRED AND BIOMORPHIC SYSTEMS * Brain-inspired cognitive architectures * Embodied robotics * Evolutionary robotics * Developmental robotics * Computational models of development * Collective intelligence * Swarms * Autonomous complex systems * Self-configuring systems * Self-healing systems * Self-aware systems * Emotional computation * Artificial life * Other topics in bio-inspired and biomorphic systems APPLICATIONS * Bioinformatics * Biomedical engineering * Data analysis and pattern recognition * Speech recognition and speech production * Robotics * Neurocontrol * Approximate dynamic programming, adaptive critics, and Markov decision processes * Neural network approaches to optimization * Signal processing, image processing, and multi-media * Temporal data analysis, prediction, and forecasting; time series analysis * Communications and computer networks * Data mining and knowledge discovery * Power system applications * Financial engineering applications * Applications in multi-agent systems and social computing * Manufacturing and industrial applications * Expert systems * Clinical applications * Big data applications * Smart grid applications * Other applications CROSS-DISCIPLINARY TOPICS * Hybrid intelligent systems * Swarm intelligence * Sensor networks * Quantum computation * Computational biology * Molecular and DNA computation * Computation in tissues and cells * Artificial immune systems * Other cross-disciplinary topics ################################################################ ##########################Organizing Committee########################## General Chair * Yoonsuck Choe, Texas A and M University, USA Program Chair * Christina Jayne, Robert Gordon University, UK Technical Co-Chairs * Irwin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China * Barbara Hammer, University of Bielefeld, Germany Plenary Chair * Cesare Alippi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Special Session Co-Chairs * Derong Liu, University of Chicago, USA * Tatiana Tambouriatzis, University of Piraeus, Greece Tutorial Chair * Asim Roy, Arizona State University, USA Workshop Chair * Lazaros Iliadis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece Poster Session Chair * Richard Duro, Universidad Coruna, Spain Competition Chair * Juyang (John) Weng, Michigan State University, USA Panels Chair * Robert Kozma, University of Memphis, USA Awards Chair * Nikola Kasabov, Auckland University of Technology, Australia Web Reviews Chair * Tomasz Cholewo, Lexmark International Inc., USA Sponsors & Exhibits Chair * Lipo Wang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Publication Chair * Bill Howell, Natural Resources Canada (retired), Canada International Liaison * Teresa Ludermir, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil European Liaison * Danilo P. Mandic, Imperial College, UK Asia-Pacific Liaison * Minho Lee, Kyungpook National University, Korea Neuroscience Liaison * Péter Érdi, Kalamazoo College, USA Robotics Liaison * Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, INRIA, France Industry Liaison * Sven F. Crone, Lancaster University, UK Publicity Co-Chairs * Giacomo Boracchi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy * Simone Scardapane, Sapienza University, Italy * Teck-Hou Teng, Singapore Management University, Singapore Local Arrangements Co-Chairs * Frank W. Moore, University of Alaska, USA * Kenrick Mock, University of Alaska, USA Registration Chair * Jaerock Kwon, Kettering University, USA Webmaster * Jaewook Yoo, Texas A & M University, USA ####################################################################### ##################Sponsoring Organizations################## * INNS - International Neural Network Society * IEEE - Computational Intelligence Society * BSCS - Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science * BMI - Brain-Mind Institute ############################################################
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Teng Teck Hou