IBI Data Governance Symposium at Neuroscience 2022 San Diego, Nov. 14, 18:30-

If you are attending Neuroscience 2022 in San Diego, please come join the satellite symposium by International Brain Initiative (IBI) Data Standards and Sharing Working Group: Developing an International Data Governance Framework to Accelerate Global Neuroscience Research https://brainminds-beyond.jp/satelliteopen@sfn_2022_ibi_data_WG.html Monday, November 14th, 2022, 18:30 – 20:40 PST Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Level 4, Sapphire 400AB Opening: Jan Bjaalie, Kenji Doya Keynote: Open science at the Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics, Karel Svoboda Flash talks on data sharing by brain initiatives around the world Updates from Data WG Task Forces Data Governance: Damian Eke, Franco Pestilli, Matthew Brown Data Catalog: Sean Hill, Tom Johnstone Training: Sharon Crook, Tina Kokan Open Discussion over drinks and snacks Closing: Maryann Martone Pre-registration is not required but attendance is limited to 100, first-come-first-served. If you are interested in joining, please leave a note here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IBI_data_interest For any question, please contact: ibidatawg@gmail.com See you in San Diego! Kenji ---- Kenji Doya <doya@oist.jp> Neural Computation Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University 1919-1 Tancha, Onna, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan Phone: +81-98-966-8594; Fax: +81-98-966-2891 https://groups.oist.jp/ncu
participants (1)
Kenji Doya