[meetings] Call for papers SAB2020, 16th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Cergy-Paris University

Call for papers for the 16th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB2020) SAB 2020 : FROM ANIMALS TO ANIMATS 16 that will be held at Cergy-Paris University (near Paris), France 22-24 september 2020 + workshops day 21st https://sab2020.sciencesconf.org/ *Scope of the Conference* ========================= The objective of this interdisciplinary conference is to bring together researchers in computer science, artificial intelligence, artificial life, control, robotics, neurosciences, ethology, evolutionary biology and related fields in order to further our understanding of the behaviors and underlying mechanisms that allow natural and artificial animals to adapt and survive in uncertain environments. The conference will focus on experiments with well-defined models including robot models, computer simulation models and mathematical models designed to help characterize and compare various organizational principles or architectures underlying adaptive behavior in real animals and in synthetic agents, the animats. *Location* ========== Cergy-Paris University, close to Paris, France *Relevant Research Areas* ========================= SAB2020 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of adaptive behavior in natural and artificial systems. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are: The animat approach Motor control Body and brain co-evolution Self-assembling and self-replication Sensory-motor coordination Action selection and behavioral sequencing Navigation and mapping Internal models and representation Evolution, development and learning Collective and social behavior Applied adaptive behavior Motivation and emotion Communication and language Emergent structures and behaviors Neural correlates of behavior Evolutionary and co-evolutionary approaches Bio-inspired and hybrid robotics Autonomous robotics Humanoid robotics Cognitive and developmental robotics Software agents and virtual creatures Philosophical and psychological issues Animats in education *Conference Format* =================== Following the tradition of SAB conferences, the conference will be single track with additional poster sessions. There will also be a day of tutorials. *Important Dates* ================= The conference will be held between 22-24 Sep 2020 and the 21st of September will be dedicated to workshops and tutorials Submission deadline : 1st of April, 2020 Notification of Acceptance : 1st of May, 2020 Camera ready: 1st of June, 2020 workshops/tutorials: 21st of September, 2020 Venue: 22nd-24th of September, 2020 Workshop/Tutorial Proposal Deadline: 21st May, 2020 Workshop/Tutorial Notification of Acceptance: 31th May, 2020 *Paper Submission Instruction and Publication Details* ====================================================== Submitted papers must not exceed 12 pages. Detailed submission instructions are available from the conference website (https://sab2020.sciencesconf.org/ or soon http://www.sab2020.org/ ). Special Issue to Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence All accepted papers with oral or poster presentation will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series conference proceedings. Selected authors may additionally be invited to submit extended versions for a conference Special Issue of the Journal of Adaptive Behavior. *Workshops & tutorials* ======================= The SAB2020 organizing committee invites proposals for workshops and tutorials, which will be held on the 21st of September, 2020. Instructions for preparing the tutorial proposal and further details on the tutorials will be found at http://www.sab2020.sciencesconf.org / http://www.sab2020.org/ *Best Paper Award* ================== Two best paper prizes will be awarded at the end of the conference to honour the authors of papers of exceptional merit. For more information please refer to the official SAB2020 website. *Further Information* ===================== Up-to-date information will be published on the website https://sab2020.sciencesconf.org/ and http://www.sab2020.org/ . For information about local arrangements, registration forms, etc., please refer to the website or contact the local organizers at the address below. * Organizers * ============== ISAB Philippe Gaussier General Chair, UCP Sofiane Boucenna Program Chair, UCP Nicolas Cuperlier Program Chair, UCP Alexandre Pitti Local Chair and Publicity Chair, UCP *Conference Address* ==================== Cergy-Pontoise, CY Cergy-Paris University. Site Les Chênes *Contact * ========== sab2020@sciencesconf.org Alex Pitti Maître de Conférence Laboratoire ETIS, CY Cergy Paris Université, ENSEA, CNRS, UMR8051 http://perso-etis.ensea.fr/alexpitt/
participants (1)
alexandre pitti