Fwd: [seminar.wwtns] NEW: More seminars of VVTNS 4th season are now online

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<https://streaklinks.com/A9c7PbbpKY7PxB6PaAJWGD3-/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wwtns.onl...> - on twitter: wwtns@TheoreticalWide
The following seminars are now available on the VVTNS website and YouTube channel Thalamocortical dynamics in a complex learned behavior Nader Nikbakht MIT talk given on February 14, 2024 https://www.wwtns.online/past-seminars-2023-2024 ------------------------------------ Using ML tools in neuroscience to define optimality in complex natural behavior Stephanie Palmer University of Chicago talk given on June 5, 2024 https://www.wwtns.online/past-seminars-2023-2024 --------------------------------------- Learning and prediction in artificial deep neural networks: scaling, data manifolds, and universality Yasaman Bahri Google DeepMind talk given on June19, 2024 https://www.wwtns.online/past-seminars-2023-2024 ---------------------------- VVTNS Fourth Season Closing Lecture Cryptic (hidden) changes that result from disturbances and climate change shape future dynamics of degenerate neurons and circuits Eve Marder Brandeis University talk given on June 26, 2024 https://www.wwtns.online/past-seminars-2023-2024 ---------------------------- *About VVTNS : Created as the World Wide Neuroscience Seminar (WWTNS) in November 2020 and renamed in homage to Carl van Vreeswijk in Memoriam (April 20, 2022), its aim is to be a platform to exchange ideas among theoreticians. Speakers have the occasion to talk about theoretical aspects of their work which cannot be discussed in a setting where the majority of the audience consists of experimentalists. The seminars, **held on Wednesdays at 11 am ET,** are 45-50 min long followed by a discussion. The talks are recorded with authorization of the speaker and are available to everybody on our YouTube channel.* ᐧ -- "В каждой шутке есть доля шутки" 'Life is good ..' (Carl van Vreeswijk, 1962-2022) --------------------------------------- David Hansel Directeur de Recherche au CNRS Co-Group leader Cerebral Dynamics Plasticity and Learning lab., CNRS 45 rue des Saints Peres 75270 Paris Cedex 06 Tel (Cell): +33 607508403 - Fax (33). *CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY NOTICE:* *This message and the documents that might be attached, are addressed exclusively to their(s) recipient(s) and may contain privileged or confidential information. The access to this information by people other than those designated is not authorized. If you are not the indicated recipient, you are notified that the use, disclosure and / or copying without authorization is prohibited under current legislation. If you have received this message in error, please kindly inform the sender immediately and proceed to its destruction.* ᐧ
participants (1)
David Hansel