Doctoral Position at the Institute for Neural Computation - Ruhr University Bochum

Prof. Sen Cheng, Institute for Neural Computation at the Ruhr University Bochum, invites applications for a *Doctoral position (TV-L E13, 65%) in Computational Neuroscience. * The position starts as soon as possible and is funded for three years. *Job description* The research group is highly dynamic and uses diverse computationalmodeling approachesincludingbiological neural networks, cognitive modeling, and machine learning to investigatelearning and memory in humans and animals. For further information see <>. The successful candidate will develop and study computational models of episodic memory and spatial navigation. The models will be based on biologically plausible spiking neurons and will account for the generation and learning of complex behaviors. The research focus will be on modeling the influence of neuro- and psychopathologies on observable behavior. The candidate mayenrollin a doctoral program in neuroscience, psychology, physics, or electrical engineering – subject to enrollment requirements of the particular program. *Your Profile: * Candidates must have * an excellent university degreein neuroscience, psychology, physics, computer science, electrical/biomedical engineering or a related field, * relevant experience modeling biological neural networks, * excellent communication skills in English, and * the ability to work well in a team. Experience with research in neuro- and psychopathologieswould be a further asset. The Ruhr University Bochum is home to a vibrant research community in neuroscienceand cognitive science. The Institute for Neural Computation is an independent research unit and combines different areas of expertise ranging from experimental and theoretical neuroscienceto machine learning androbotics. Please send your application, including CV, transcripts and research statement electronically, as a single PDF file, to <>. In addition, at least two academic references mustbe sent independently to the above email address. The deadline for applications is February 29^th , 2020. The Ruhr University Bochum is committed to equal opportunity. We strongly encourage applications from qualified women and persons with disabilities. Contact person: Vinita Samarasinghe, <> -- Vinita Samarasinghe M.Sc., M.A. Science Manager Arbeitsgruppe Computational Neuroscience Institut für Neuroinformatik Ruhr-Universität Bochum, NB 3/26 Postfachnummer 110 Universitätstr. 150 D-44801 Bochum Tel: +49 (0)234 32 27316 Email:
participants (1)
Vinita Samarasinghe