Second Call for the Athenea3i postdoc program at the University of Granada

Dear all Please find attached below information concerning the second call for Athenea3i postdoc positions program at the University of Granada (Spain)(similar to Marie Curie postdoc positions). Our group (Granada Computational Neurophysics Lab) is accepting suitable candidates for such positions to be supervised by our Lab members (see our Lab web page for further information concerning our group). With my best wishes Joaquin J. Torres Professor of Condensed Matter Physics Granada Computational Neurophysics Lab University of Granada ============= Dear researcher, The University of Granada (UGR) announces the opening of 10 vacancies for postdoctoral studies. These vacancies are designed for excellent researchers who have experience in the fields of innovation and knowledge transfer. These postdoctoral contracts will last for 3 years with a maximum gross salary of €4,000 per month and €1,500 in supplements depending on different factors such as the researcher's family situation, or aspects derived from the execution of the projects (required training, planned visits, etc.). Selected researchers will join multidisciplinary teams to execute research, innovation and development projects conducted at the UGR and will therefore need a supervisor from this institution. Moreover, researchers will be able to spend time in a different academic institution for an uninterrupted period of between 3 and 9 months, to be scheduled between the 10th and the 18th months of the research project. Researchers may spend this time in either the academic or the business sector. In addition, they may also spend a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months during the last 18 months of the research project in another non-academic institution. Thematic fields: · Environmental Sciences and Chemistry (ENV-CHE) · Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities (ECO-SOC) · Information Science and Engineering (ENG) · Life Sciences (LIFE) · Physics and Mathematics (PHY-MAT) The application period lasts from 4 September to 28 September 2018. The incorporation into the University of Granada is expected to take place between July – September 2019. For more information concerning the call and available vacancies (requirements, activity to be carried out and remuneration), please refer to the webpage: If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us: Yours faithfully, International Research Projects Office (OFPI) - Promotion & Advisory Unit Tel. (+34) 958 242 701 Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer University of Granada
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