Open position at Institute of Neuroinformatics (Zürich) / Institute of Neuroscience Paris Saclay (Orsay)

*PhD or Post-Doc for neuroscientist or engineer: neural population activity associated with a complex learned behavior* Dear all, We have an open position for a PhD student or Post-Doc at the interface of engineering and neuroscience. This is a collaborative effort between the Institute of Neuroinformatics (ETH Zurich, University of Zurich) and the Neuroscience Paris Saclay Institute (CNRS, Université Paris Sud, Université Paris Saclay). The goal of our collaboration is to study the principles of vocal learning and communication in songbirds. We combine diverse experimental and theoretical approaches to gain new insights into higher cognitive functions associated with complex vocal behaviors such as song learning. We are interested in decoding neural activity associated with song production and song learning in songbirds. We have recently developed a system for simultaneously recording from many neurons in freely behaving animals. Our miniature lightweight motorized 32-channel recording device incorporates novel carbon fiber electrodes, as described in (Guitchounts, Markowitz, Liberti, & Gardner, 2013). The project is to refine and put this technology to use to study the mysteries of neural population codes and to advance our understanding of how individual neurons contribute to forming a representation of motor plans and of sensory feedback. The engineering part of the work will be done in Zürich, Switzerland (~1/3) and the testing will be done in Orsay, France (~2/3). We are looking either for a PhD student (CHF 47040 starting salary, ~40 200€) or a Post-doc (CHF 80000 starting salary 100%, ~68 500€). Depending on the required training of the post-doc, the employment percentage is reduced to a value between 70 and 90%. Your Profile: You have a MSc degree in neuroscience, electrical engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, or computer science or you have a PhD in neuroscience or engineering. You are strongly interested in neuroscience. You have expertise in signal processing and machine learning. You like to collaborate with biologists and engineers in a nurturing environment. You can work independently and want to be part of a team that fosters flexibility and innovation. The ETH is an equal opportunity employer, we believe in people and their ability to innovate. If you want to apply for this position, feel inspired to send your application material to Prof. Richard Hahnloser ( <>) and to Dr Nicolas Giret ( <>). It would be great if you could circulate it around in your institute. Best regards, -Nicolas Giret- -- *Chargé de Recherche CNRS* Institut des Neurosciences Paris Saclay, UMR9197 <> Université Paris Sud, Univ. Paris Saclay, bât. 446 Rue Claude Bernard 91405 Orsay cedex France 00331. Personal website <>
participants (1)
Nicolas Giret