Post Doc Position Available in ACE Lab

A post-doctoral position is available at the Anticipation, Cognition and Emotion lab at the University of Pittsburgh ( to work with Dr. Anna Manelis and her team. A successful candidate will work on the NIMH funded research project that uses multimodal neuroimaging (fMRI, MRI, DTI and fNIRS) to understand the contribution of anticipatory processing to cognitive and emotional dysfunction in individuals with mood disorders. Required Qualifications: a PhD degree in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, or a related discipline. A strong research background in the analysis and interpretation of neuroimaging data is required. Excellent writing skills are a must. Candidates with a strong computational background are encouraged to apply. Experience with FSL, Freesurfer and E-prime is preferred. The ability to program in Shell, Matlab, Python and/or R is preferred. Experience with fNIRS, graph modeling, and pattern classification analyses is a plus. While prior experience with clinical populations is not necessary, we expect candidates to be interested in neuroimaging research of working and episodic memory in individuals with mood disorders. Responsibilities: A successful candidate will analyze clinical, behavioral, and neuroimaging data, write manuscripts, and present at conferences. This is a 1- to 2-year position. If you are interested in this position, please send a CV, research statement, preprints/reprints of papers, and the names and contact information for two references to Anna Manelis (<>).
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