Postdoc on resting state analysis in Glasgow

Postdoc developing information theoretic methods for resting state analysis A 2-year postdoc position is available working with Dr. Robin Ince at the University of Glasgow. The project is funded by the Wellcome Trust and will involve developing and applying multivariate information theoretic methods to resting state fMRI data from the Human Connectome Project. The position will also involve collection of simultaneous EEG-fMRI resting state data in Glasgow. The ideal candidate will have strong expertise with numerical programming (MATLAB or Python) and be familiar with neuroimaging data and analysis. Glasgow is a friendly, lively and welcoming city with a reasonable cost of living and close proximity to the beautiful Highlands and a wide range of outdoor activities. International applicants should note that Glasgow voted 67% in favour of remaining in the EU and is the second most welcoming city to foreigners in the mainland UK (after London) [1], as well as being one of the safest cities in the UK [2]. The Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging (CCNi) at the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology (INP) is a collaborative and stimulating environment with a full suite of world-class facilities, including EEG, MEG, 3T fMRI, 7T fMRI, EEG-fMRI, TMS, and extensive computational resources (~2500 cores, ~15TB RAM). The position is a Research Assistant on Grade 6 of the University of Glasgow salary scale: £28,660 - £32,236 (plus ~18% employer contributions to USS defined benefit pension). Apply online at Search for ref: 023869 Closing date for applications Jan 13th 2019. Flexible start date. Any questions about the project, position or application process please contact Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology College of Medical Veterinary & Life Sciences University of Glasgow [1] Eurostat Urban Europe Report 2016. [2] Mercer Quality of Living Ranking 2016.
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