Computational neuroscience postdoc position

A postdoctoral scientist position is available at the Nathan Kline Institute (NKI) for Psychiatric Research (<>) to work on computational neuroscience research funded from grants. Our DoD project involves developing computer models of the hippocampal/entorhinal cortex circuits and integrating the models with agents learning to solve navigation tasks using neurobiologically-inspired learning rules. This project involves collaboration with researchers at UTK and CMU. Example publication: ( Our NIH projects use detailed biophysical models of the auditory thalamocortical system to investigate the brain's dynamics underlying different cognitive states, looking for circuit-based origins of schizophrenia, and improving brain machine interfaces. The postdoc will build models constrained by data collected from electrophysiology labs at NKI, Columbia, and The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, and use the models to predict optimal neuromodulation strategies to restore physiological balance, testable in vivo. Example publication: ( Applicants should have a strong background in: computational modeling using NEURON/NetPyNE, Python software development, neural/electrophysiology data analysis, machine learning, and writing/presenting research. To apply, email a CV and cover letter to Sam Neymotin ( The position is on-site at NKI (New York), with some telecommuting possible. ________________________________ IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail is meant only for the use of the intended recipient. It may contain confidential information which is legally privileged or otherwise protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, you are strictly prohibited from reviewing, using, disseminating, distributing or copying the e-mail. PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY OF THE ERROR BY RETURN E-MAIL AND DELETE THIS MESSAGE FROM YOUR SYSTEM. Thank you for your cooperation.
participants (1)
Neymotin, Samuel (NKI)