Post-doctoral position Computational Neuroscience, Moreno-Bote Lab, Barcelona

We are looking for strong post-doctoral candidates interested in joining the group of Theoretical and Cognitive Neuroscience of Ruben Moreno-Bote lab. We are looking for excellent post-doctoral candidates with Physics, Mathematics or Machine Learning background, ideally with knowledge of Neuroscience or Computational Neuroscience, and interested in theory and applications. The publication record of the candidate should be very strong in his/her respective discipline. The candidate will develop state of the art theory and models of cognition and intelligence by using neural networks, data analysis and multielectrode neural data. The main research topic of our lab is decision-making, from a multidisciplinary angle. The candidate will benefit from the stimulating environment of Barcelona area in Theoretical and Systems Neuroscience and will have the opportunity of enjoying a lively city. Our lab ( forms part of a larger network of neuroscience labs in Barcelona. Financial support is provided by HHMI, ICREA and the Spanish MINECO. APPLICATION: A full CV in pdf format, a 1 page-long project in pdf format, and names and email addresses of 2 referees should be sent to the following address: Informal inquiries are welcome. DEADLINE: up to the position is filled STARTING DATE: any time between September 2020 and January 2021 -- Rubén Moreno Bote Serra Húnter & ICREA Academia Professor Center for Brain and Cognition & Dept. of Information and Communications Technologies University Pompeu Fabra Campus Ciutadella c\ Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 Mercè Rodoreda building, 3th floor (room 24.331) 08005 Barcelona, Spain <>
participants (1)
Ruben Moreno Bote