IMRF (International Multisensory Research Forum) postponed to July 04-07 2022 in Ulm, Germany

Dear participants of the IMRF, Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic situation is still affecting all our lives and the prediction for summer 2021 does not look like it will allow all of us travelling internationally without restrictions or holding a meeting in closed spaces with many people present. As many other conferences, we also considered moving to an online format for the International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) ( <>). However, we feel the community would not benefit as much as having a meeting in person. Therefore, with a heavy heart we decided once again (and hopefully for the last time) to postpone the „annual“ IMRF meeting. The new dates are July 04-07, 2022. Abstract submission and registration will stay open. All abstracts already submitted will be further considered. However, you can of course log on and adapt your abstracts (or symposia) until the new deadline for abstract submission. We will announce the new deadlines in due time. The abstract submission and registration page can be found here <>. Also registrations will stay valid in case you already registered. Otherwise new registration dates will be announced shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience this third postponement may cause and thanks for your understanding. Be safe and stay healthy!!!! Best, Mac Ernst on behalf of the IMRF Organizers. --------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Dr. Marc Ernst Appl. Cognitive Psychology Faculty for Computer Science, Engineering, and Psychology Ulm University Albert-Einstein-Allee 43 89081 Ulm room: 43.3.103 phone: +49-731-50 320 50 sekr: +49-731-50 320 51 fax: +49-731-50 320 59 mobile: +49-152-22 543 156 <>
participants (1)
Marc Ernst