DPG - Bad Honnef Physics School on "Physics of Viruses" this September

Dear all, we are organizing a Bad Honnef Physics School on "Physics of Viruses" from September 10th till 15th 2023. - This school will cover all aspects of the physics of viruses, from their molecular architecture and assembly through to virus transmission, spread and evolution. We have put together a diverse program with world-renowned speakers, which also includes tutorials and time for discussions and networking. The physics center in Bad Honnef is a fantastic venue for such events and participation fees are very affordable (200 EUR, 100 EUR for DPG-members, covering board and lodging for one week at the Physikzentrum at Bad Honnef, which is close to Bonn and beautifully located at the Rhine). We very much look forward to interacting with interested master students, PhD-students, postdocs and even more senior researchers! You may also bring a poster on your own work and/or contribute a short presentation. More information and the schedule for the school can be found here : https://www.dpg-physik.de/veranstaltungen/2023/physics_of_viruses?set_langua.... Space is limited, so please secure your spot at the school as soon as possible. We very much look forward to welcoming you in Bad Honnef! Best regards, Ulrich Schwarz and Sarah Köster PS: PIs, please forward this email to your group members! https://www.dpg-physik.de/veranstaltungen/2023/physics_of_viruses?set_langua... ---------------------- Tel. +49 (2224) 9232-0 Fax +49 (2224) 9232-50 E-Mail: dpg@dpg-physik.de www.dpg-physik.de www.linkedin.com/company/dpgphysik www.facebook.com/DPGPhysik www.instagram.com/DPGPhysik www.youtube.com/DPGPhysikTV Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V. Geschäftsstelle, Hauptstraße 5, 53604 Bad Honnef Hauptgeschäftsführer: Dr. Bernhard Nunner Eingetragen beim Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Siegburg unter Registernummer VR 90474
participants (1)
Viola Priesemann