NICE 2018 - call for abstracts is open

Dear colleagues, The abstract call for NICE 2018 is now open: Abstracts due: November 15, 2017 The 2018 Neuro-Inspired Computing Elements (NICE) Workshop is the 6th annual meeting of researchers in the neural computing field. Like previous workshops, NICE 2018 will focus on the interplay between neural theory, neural algorithms, neuromorphic architectures and hardware, and applications for neural computing technology. NICE aims to involve diverse participation from all over the world and bring together research communities with universities, government, and industry. We are asking for extended abstracts of two pages, with emphasis on novel results in brain-inspired neural algorithms for machine learning, neural computing architectures and hardware, theoretical neuroscience, and applications of neural computing. Event dates are Feb. 27-Mar.1, 2018, and this year the workshop is being hosted by Intel, at their Hillsboro, Oregon site. Registration and accommodation details will be available on the event website (<>) by end of October. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Hillsboro, Feb.27th. Brad Aimone
participants (1)
Aimone, James Bradley