Ph.D. and PostDoctoral positions on High-Performance Brain Simulations

Dear all, Please find below new job postings in the field of High-Performance Brain Simulations: Our Computer Engineering group (<>) of the Neuroscience Department of the Erasmus Medical Center, the Netherlands, is conducting research on high-performance, large-scale simulations of the human cerebellum. Depending on the neuronal-network size and the modeling accuracy desired, brain-model simulations can rapidly grow to be become exascale order-of-magnitude applications for HPC platforms. By capitalizing on the long-standing expertise and track record of the Neuroscience Department, the overall objective of the research performed is dual: to re-construct in hardware (‘in silico’) the human cerebellar cortex and – in the process – to develop novel tools for the automatic, seamless and fast simulation of any brain-model ensembles on popular HPC platforms, such as FPGAs, NVidia GP-GPUs, Intel Xeon Phis and Maxeler Dataflow Engines. The selected candidates are expected to work on these topics. This research will be part of the VINEYARD Horizon 2020 EU-funded project (<>). Erasmus MC is a partner in the HiPEAC European Network of Excellence and an official collaborator in the H2020 Flagship: Human Brain Project (HBP -<>). Where HBP works on fully simulating the cerebral cortex, Erasmus MC is adding in accurate simulations of the cerebellar cortex. Collaborative partners are the Delft University of Technology, the Chalmers University of Technology and the National Technical University of Athens. For more details please check the posting here: Kind regards, Christos Strydis -- ============================== Christos Strydis, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Neuroscience Department Erasmus Medical Center Wytemaweg 80 (12th floor) Office Ee1210a 3015 CN Rotterdam Tel: +31 - 10 - 70 - 43294 Fax: +31 - 10 - 70 - 44734 E-mail:<> Web:<> ==============================
participants (1)
C. Strydis