Special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience

Dear all, I am pleased to announce that a Special Issue of the Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience on Uncertainty and the Brain has just appeared in Open Access at: http://www.mathematical-neuroscience.com/series/UB Uncertainty and the Brain Edited by: Dr Olivier Faugeras, Prof Michele Thieullen Theoretical and applied neuroscientists are in great need of stochastic models to account for sources of uncertainty in neural tissues in a mathematically rigorous framework allowing for quantitative descriptions and predictions. Collection published: 17 April 2014 Editorial ** *Editorial for the Special Issue on Uncertainty in the Brain <http://www.mathematical-neuroscience.com/content/4/1/7>* Olivier Faugeras, Michèle Thieullen /The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience/ 2014, *4*:7 (17 April 2014) ** *Measuring Edge Importance: A Quantitative Analysis of the Stochastic Shielding Approximation for Random Processes on Graphs <http://www.mathematical-neuroscience.com/content/4/1/6>* Deena R Schmidt, Peter J Thomas /The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience/ 2014, *4*:6 (17 April 2014) Research ** *How Uncertainty Bounds the Shape Index of Simple Cells <http://www.mathematical-neuroscience.com/content/4/1/5>* D Barbieri, G Citti, A Sarti /The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience/ 2014, *4*:5 (17 April 2014) ** *Fokker--Planck and Fortet Equation-Based Parameter Estimation for a Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model with Sinusoidal and Stochastic Forcing <http://www.mathematical-neuroscience.com/content/4/1/4>* Alexandre Iolov, Susanne Ditlevsen, André Longtin /The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience/ 2014, *4*:4 (17 April 2014) ** *Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Nonparametric Adaptive Estimation for Spike Train Analysis <http://www.mathematical-neuroscience.com/content/4/1/3>* Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Vincent Rivoirard, Franck Grammont, Christine Tuleau-Malot /The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience/ 2014, *4*:3 (17 April 2014) ** *Large Deviations for Nonlocal Stochastic Neural Fields <http://www.mathematical-neuroscience.com/content/4/1/1>* Christian Kuehn, Martin G Riedler /The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience/ 2014, *4*:1 (17 April 2014) ** *A Density Model for a Population of Theta Neurons <http://www.mathematical-neuroscience.com/content/4/1/2>* Grégory Dumont, Jacques Henry, Carmen Tarniceriu /Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience/ 2014, *4*:2 (17 April 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Olivier Faugeras : Professor : Equipe INRIA NeuroMathComp Team : co-editor in chief, Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience : http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Olivier.Faugeras/index.en.html : Email: olivier.faugeras@inria.fr : Tel: +334 92 38 78 31 : Sec: +334 92 38 78 30 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Olivier Faugeras