Workshop on Hearing and Speech Processing at the KITP in Santa Barbara, summer 2017

Dear colleagues, I am writing to announce the multi-disciplinary workshop entitled "Physics of Hearing: From Neurobiology to Information Theory and Back”. Organized by Hervé Boulard, Maria Neimark Geffen, Jim Hudspeth as well as myself, and sponsored by the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP,, this event will take place in Santa Barbara, California, for the eight weeks from Tuesday 30 May through Friday 21 July 2017 (note that this means 2017, not 2016!). The program's emphasis is on the development of a deeper theoretical understanding both of the biophysical constraints of the nervous system and of the mathematical structure of natural sounds, their modeling, and their processing. We plan to cover the following topics: Biophysics and active sensing in the inner ear, Neuronal mechanisms of dynamic auditory coding, Oral communication in nonhuman species, Learning in the auditory pathway and language development, Psychoacoustics and human auditory modeling, Mathematical structure of natural sounds, Mathematical structure of speech and speech-recognition technology, Compressed sensing and sparse recovery modeling, and Deep neural networks for speech recognition. The main goal of the program is to stimulate new research directions and collaborations between program participants. We expect this to yield significant progress both in the neurobiology of hearing as well as in speech-recognition technology. Our Scientific Advisors are Dolores Bozović (UCLA), Judit Gervain (Univ. Paris Decartes), Hynek Hermansky (John Hopkins Univ.), Josh McDermott (MIT), Cynthia F. Moss (John Hopkins Univ.), Mari Ostendorf (Univ. Washington), Shihab Shamma (Univ. Maryland), Malcolm Slaney (Google), and Ruedi Stoop (ETH Zurich). Other long-term participants include Richard Aslin (Univ. Rochester), Alain de Cheveigne (Univ. Paris Decartes), Stephen David (Oregon H&S Univ.), Philip Garner (IDIAP), Andrea Hasenstaub (UCSF), Dick Lyon (Google), Fanny Meunier (UCL), Paris Smaragdis (Univ. Illinois), Lynne Werner (Univ. Washington), and Sarah Woolley (Columbia Univ.). The program will run for eight weeks, with around 30 simultaneous participants, speakers, and students present at any time, and around 100 participants in total over the eight weeks of the workshop. The KITP provides shared offices and computing infrastructure for all program attendants such that participants can work efficiently during their stay. The KITP will also provide free accommodation in its newly constructed Residence on the edge of the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara. The Institute will further provide support for living expenses. Funding for travel to and from Santa Barbara is available if these costs cannot be covered otherwise; and financial assistance for bringing family members can be provided. More information on available funding as well as on the program can be found online at My colleagues and I would be delighted if you would join us in this remarkable opportunity for a broad synthesis of multi-disciplinary research on hearing and speech processing. If you wish to participate, please set up an account and apply online on the above website. It will help us with our planning if you apply early, including your proposed length of stay and any financial requirements. Please note that participants need to stay for at least three weeks to qualify for support from the KITP. With best wishes, Tobias Reichenbach ------------------------------------------- Tobias Reichenbach Lecturer, Biophysics of Hearing Editor, Heliyon Department of Bioengineering Imperial College London South Kensington Campus SW7 2AZ London, UK
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