Postdoc EEG data analysis and source modeling

The Research & Development Unit „MEG and Cortical Networks“ at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science at Leipzig offers a position as POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER in the area of Medical Signal Processing and Biophysical Modelling. The research project aims at the development of fast and effective processing techniques for EEG data. The task of the successful applicant will be to develop methods for artefact identification and correction, spatial interpolation and source reconstruction. The successful applicant holds a PhD degree in informatics, mathematics, physics, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering or similar. Experience with the measurement and analysis of brain signals is an advantage, but not essential. A keen interest in the biological foundations of cognition should be present. Decent programming skills are of importance. In order to increase the proportion of female staff members, applications from female scientists are particularly encouraged. Disabled applicants are preferred if qualification is equal. The position is available for 2 years. Payment is according to the German scale TVöD 13. The selection procedure starts as the applications come in. Please send your application by email, citing the code number "PD 14" to: PD Dr.habil. Thomas R. Knösche Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Stephanstraße 1A, 04103 Leipzig, Germany [phone: +49 341 9940-2619] [email:]
participants (1)
Thomas Knoesche