One postdoc and two PhD positions in Emmy-Noether group "Decision Neuroscience of Human Cooperation" in Hamburg, Germany

Dear all, I would be very grateful, if you could circulate the following job announcements. One postdoc and two PhD positions are available within the newly funded Emmy-Noether research group "Decision Neuroscience of Human Cooperation" led by Christoph Korn. *Research topic and group:* The group's aim is to investigate the decision-making and learning processes relevant for successful social cooperation between humans. The planned projects rely on a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches including computational modeling of behavioral data, evolutionary game theory, model-based and multivariate analyses of fMRI data, pupillometry, virtual reality, and testing of psychiatric patients. The group is based at the Institute of Systems Neuroscience (head: Prof. Christian Büchel) at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany. Psychiatric patients are tested in collaboration with Sabine Herpertz and her lab at the Heidelberg University Hospital. You can find more information here: *What the group offers:* - Opportunity to get hands-on supervision for learning various data acquisition and analysis techniques - Dynamic, interdisciplinary, and international research environment within the Institute of Systems Neuroscience - Research-dedicated T3 MR scanner (PRISMA), eye-tracking and VR laboratories, excellent infrastructure for behavioral testing - Multiple training opportunities within the institute (e.g., - Possibility to join the local graduate school, which is a member of national and international networks - Possibility of research stay with collaboration partners in the US *Your profile:* - You are interested in investigating how cooperation, decision-making, and learning relate to human brain activity and how they go awry in psychiatric disorders. - You like to design experiments, devise models, and analyze various types of data. - You have experience in conducting and analyzing behavioral experiments with human participants. - You are fluent in English. For the postdoc position and for one of the PhD positions, knowledge of German is not necessary. *Requirements for the postdoc position:* - A PhD (completed or close to the completion) in neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, economics, medicine, or a related discipline. - Experience in conducting and analyzing neuroimaging experiments (including familiarity with SPM, FSL, or similar programs). - Experience in using programming languages such as Matlab, R, or Python. - Experience in writing and publishing peer reviewed scientific papers. *Requirements for the PhD positions:* - A Master of Science or an equivalent degree in neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, economics, medicine, or a related discipline. - Experience in programming and in conducting or analyzing neuroimaging experiments is a big plus. - One of the PhD candidates will be (partly) based in Heidelberg to test psychiatric patients. This position is ideal for applicants with an interest in clinical psychiatry and requires knowledge of German to interact with patients. *Application and job specifications:* Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. The first review of applications will be in the beginning of September 2018. Preferred starting date is January 2019 but later starting dates may be possible. Salary depends on experience and is based on German regulations (the postdoc position is remunerated with the factor 100%, the PhD positions with the factor 65%). The appointments will be initially for 3 years with the possibility for continuation. The group is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment. If you are interested, please send one pdf-document including your CV, a brief statement of research interest, and the contact details of two academic referees to * <>*. Informal inquiries are welcome. Looking forward to hearing from you, Christoph
participants (1)
Christoph Korn