2 PostDoc positions in Computational Neuroscience at TU Berlin

Dear all, Applications are invited for two postdoc positions in computational neuroscience, in the lab of Henning Sprekeler at TU Berlin and the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience. The research focus of the lab lies on synaptic plasticity, dynamics of neural systems, and functional consequences of inhibition. Your profile: - Strong interest in computational neuroscience - Excellent mathematical background and very good programming skills - Excellent command of English and good team spirit. Both positions are available immediately. The salary is commensurate with experience, but competitive enough for a decent life in Berlin. To apply, pease send a 1-page research statement, CV with publication list, and contact details for two references to cognition@tu-berlin.de<mailto:cognition@tu-berlin.de> (pdf only). Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. For updates please check the lab website (http://www.cognition.tu-berlin.de/menue/jobs/). Best wishes, Henning Sprekeler --- Prof. Dr. Henning Sprekeler Modelling of cognitive processes Technische Universität Berlin & Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin Email: h.sprekeler@tu-berlin.de<mailto:h.sprekeler@tu-berlin.de> Phone: +49 (0)30 314 73557 Web: http://www.cognition.tu-berlin.de Address: Sekr. MAR 5-3 Marchstr. 23 10587 Berlin Germany
participants (1)
Sprekeler, Henning