Complex Oscillatory Systems conference AMCOS, Barcelona March 2018 - 1 week until abstract submission deadline!

*ONLY 1 WEEK UNTIL ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE* *AMCOS – ANALYSIS AND MODELING OF COMPLEX OSCILLATORY SYSTEMS* March 19-23, 2018 Barcelona, Spain The *AMCOS conference* aims at bringing together renowned experts and young researchers who work on the modeling of complex systems and the emergence of collective phenomena, as well as on the analysis of complex data sets in order to infer structure and functionality of networks. Accompanying TUTORIALS by leading experts will interactively introduce the different conference themes. Do you want to present your work? *Abstract submission deadline is in 1 week**.* More info at *DATE AND VENUE* March 19, 2018 March 20 - 23, 2018 PRBB <>, Biomedical Research Park of Barcelona *KEYNOTE SPEAKERS* - Leon Glass, - Damian H. Zanette. *LIST OF SPEAKERS (*TBC)* - Peter Ashwin, - Ernest Barreto, - Ginestra Bianconi*, - Raffaella Burioni, - Dante R. Chialvo, - Gustavo Deco, - Albert Díaz-Guilera, - Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo, - Wulfram Gerstner*, - Sonja Grün, - Cristina Masoller, - Yamir Moreno, - Florian Mormann, - Hiroya Nakao, - Diego Pazó , - Juan G. Restrepo , - Alex Roxin, - Tilo Schwalger. *TOPICS COVERED* synchronization and nonlinear dynamics - dynamics on networks - connectivity and network inference - data analysis in neuroscience - critical phenomena - neural field models - computational neuroscience - complex oscillatory behaviour in physiology *TUTORIALS* Leading experts in the field will introduce the different conference themes interactively in tutorials on the first day of the conference week. The speakers are: - Ralph G. Andrzejak, - Arkady Pikovsky, - Michael Rosenblum, - Aneta Stefanovska. A (tentative) list of topics comprises basic theory of synchronization, synchronization approach to data analysis, basic concepts of nonlinear time series analysis, and time series analysis of non-autonomous dynamics. The participants are required to bring laptops installed with MATLAB/Octave if they want to take part in the practical activities. ORGANIZERS The doctoral students (Early Stage Researchers <>) of the H2020 Marie Curie project COSMOS <>. For further information see or contact us via e-mail <>. Please forward to anyone interested. Follow us on social media. Twitter: @amcosconference <> Facebook: amcosconference <>
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AMCOS Conference