Faculty positions in Psychology and Cognitive Science (Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, India)

Dear Colleagues, Azim Premji University has launched an exciting new interdisciplinary major in psychology and cognition, focusing on themes like human cognitive development in the life cycle, mental health and well-being, and machine intelligence and learning. The programme aims to provide holistic insights into the interplay of the mind and behaviour by drawing from various disciplines such as philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, computer science, and socio-cultural contexts. We are specifically looking for faculty who specialise in — Developmental Psychology Cognitive Sciences Exceptional candidates with expertise in any other related field are also encouraged to apply. We look for applicants who resonate with the purpose of the University and are keen to contribute to the design, development, and delivery of the courses in psychology and cognitive science in our undergraduate programme. The programme is residential for students, and faculty are expected to contribute to research, teaching, and mentoring students, and help build a vibrant community of learning. Requirements The ability to teach a broad range of courses including courses in psychology, neuroscience, and computation. An advanced degree in psychology, neuroscience, or related areas. The ability and interest in teaching and mentoring a diverse body of students. The ability to combine insights from psychology, neuroscience, and relevant areas of computer science, and an interest in the connections between psychology and broader social issues in economics, politics, and education are an advantage. Significant experience in teaching/clinical practice is an advantage, but not a necessity. Selected applicants will be mentored to develop their teaching. Application link: https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/jobs/faculty-positions-in-psychology-and... Regards, Ryan. Ryan Thomas Philips, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Arts and Sciences, Azim Premji University. https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/people/ryan-thomas-philips https://manaslab.com
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Ryan Philips