30th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2021) - CALL FOR ABSTRACTS

**Organization for Computational Neurosciences 2885 Sanford Ave SW #15359 Grandville, MI 49418 USA** ** *Call for Abstracts* *30th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2021) - ONLINE** **July 3-7, 2021 *The main meeting begins the evening of Saturday July 3rd and runs through Tuesday July 7. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials (Saturday July 3rd) and followed by workshops (Tuesday July 7 mixed with the main meeting and Wednesday July 8 workshops only). *Keynote Speakers:* *Wolf Singer - **Max Plank Institute for Brain Research **Danielle Bassett - **Dept. of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania **Sonia Gruen - **Statistical Neuroscience, Forschungszentrum Juelich **Bill Bialek - **Dept. of Physics, Princeton University* Registration and abstract submission are open. *Abstract submission deadline: May 15th, 2021.* *Accept/reject **notification by June 1**^st ** **Talk/Poster **notification by June 15**^th * Note that one of the authors must register as sponsoring author for the main meeting *before abstract submission*. In case the abstract is not accepted for presentation, the registration fee will be refunded. Submitted abstracts are used for creating the program and for publication. Please follow the formatting guidelines on the submission site. Registration: https://ocns.memberclicks.net/cns-2021-online-registration <https://ocns.memberclicks.net/cns-2021-online-registration>Registration fees: https://ocns.memberclicks.net/cns-2021-registration-fees <https://ocns.memberclicks.net/cns-2021-registration-fees> Abstract Submission for Main Meeting: https://cns.confmaster.net/ <https://cns.confmaster.net/> For up-to-date conference information, please visit: https://www.cnsorg.org/cns-2021-online <https://www.cnsorg.org/cns-2021-online> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OCNS is the international member-based society for computational neuroscientists. Become a member to be eligible for awards and other benefits. Visit our website for more information: https://www.cnsorg.org <https://www.cnsorg.org> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upozorneni: Neni-li v teto zprave vyslovne uvedeno jinak, ma tato E-mailova zprava nebo jeji prilohy pouze informativni charakter. Tato zprava ani jeji prilohy v zadnem ohledu ustavy AV CR, v.v.i. k nicemu nezavazuji. Text teto zpravy nebo jejich priloh neni navrhem na uzavreni smlouvy, ani prijetim pripadneho navrhu na uzavreni smlouvy, ani jinym pravnim jednanim smerujicim k uzavreni jakekoliv smlouvy a nezaklada predsmluvni odpovednost ustavu AV CR, v.v.i. Disclaimer: If not expressly stated otherwise, this e-mail message (including any attached files) is intended purely for informational purposes and does not represent a binding agreement on the part of Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The text of this message and its attachments cannot be considered as a proposal to conclude a contract, neither the acceptance of a proposal to conclude a contract, nor any other legal act leading to concluding any contract; nor does it create any pre-contractual liability on the part of Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
participants (1)
Martin Zapotocky