Postdoctoral position in theoretical neuroscience at System Neuroscience Institute, Marseilles, France

Hi, Would you be so kind as to post this postdoc offer? thanks The lab of Christophe Bernard at INS (Institut de Neuroscience des Systèmes, Marseille, France) and the lab of Demian Battaglia at INS / USIAS (Strasbourg) is looking for a postdoctoral scholar working at the interface between theoretical and experimental neuroscience. Circadian rhythms drive all organ functions, including the brain. Although we know that the molecular architecture and the cognitive performance of the brain change during the night and day cycle, what happens at the neuronal scale remains unknown. The project seeks to explore how information processing and brain dynamics change in a circadian manner in health and disease (epilepsy). The project builds upon recent findings from the lab: Clawson et al., Science Adv, 2019, Pedreschi et al., Netw Neurosci 2020 and Debski et al., Science Adv, 2020. The ideal candidate will have a background in theoretical physics (statistical or nonlinear physics) or theoretical computer science, familiar with information theory concepts. Previous experience in the analysis of large neuroscience datasets (e.g. multichannel recordings, unit or LFP data...) or the modelling of spiking neural circuits is a plus. The candidate will work with researchers performing in vivo recordings in control and epileptic animals and the Theoretical Neuroscience Group at INS (D. Battaglia, V. Jirsa). Interactions with clinicians are encouraged. If requested, the candidate will be offered the possibility to learn in vivo electrophysiology. The position has no mandatory teaching or administrative duties. Excellent (written and oral) communication skills in English are required. The maximum duration is three years. Candidates should send a CV, a statement of research experience and interests, expected date of availability, and the contact information for three references to <> and <> Christophe Why you should submit your best science to eNeuro: <> Christophe Bernard INS - Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes UMR INSERM 1106, Aix-Marseille Université Equipe Physionet 27 Bd Jean Moulin 13385 Marseille Cedex 05 France +33 4 91 32 42 49 <>
participants (1)
Christophe Bernard