Open research positions in the Cluster of Excellence “Bilateral AI”

We are seeking highly motivated and talented PostDoc and PhD-candidates to join our dynamic research team for combining symbolic and sub-symbolic AI. It offers a unique opportunity to create a new level of artificial intelligence. *Apply now and become part of groundbreaking research in AI!* The successful candidates will conduct research in collaboration with all partner institutes JKU, AAU Klagenfurt, ISTA, TU Graz, TU Vienna, and WU Vienna. Explore the open positions on our website or directly at one of our six partner-institutions in Austria: At TU Graz: At JKU Linz: At TU Vienna: At WU Vienna: At ISTA in Vienna: At AAU Klagenfurt: *Why join us?* * Be part of a growing, dynamic AI research community * Shape the development of Broad AI with focus on ethics, transparency, and real-world applications * Work in an inspiring academic environment at one of Austria’s top universities and institutions -- Dr. Robert Legenstein Univ.-Professor Institute of Theoretical Computer Science Graz University of Technology Inffeldgasse 16b/I, 8010 Graz, Austria WebEx: ++43/316/873-5824 ----------------------------------
participants (1)
Robert Legenstein