Postdoc positions in NeuroAI

We are looking for two postdocs to work on deep learning-inspired computational neuroscience at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom. There are a number of exciting topics that you could contribute to: 1. Neuromodulated cortex-wide credit assignment 2. Subcortical facilitation of cortical learning 3. Theories of self-supervised learning in cortical circuits There are also opportunities to collaborate closely with leading cellular, systems and cellular neuroscientists, but also deep learning researchers. Successful candidates should have: - a strong quantitative background - keen interest in neuroscience - obtained (or be close to) a PhD in computational neuroscience, machine learning, physics, mathematics, computer science or similar. - ability to work in a strongly collaborative and interdisciplinary field Please express your interest by sending your cv and a brief statement of research interests to<> More info about our group at:<> Best wishes, Rui Ponte Costa Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Computational Neuroscience & Machine Learning Neural and Machine Learning group<> Bristol Computational Neuroscience Unit<>, Intelligent Systems Labs<> Faculty of Engineering & Bristol Neuroscience, University of Bristol<>, UK
participants (1)
Rui Ponte Costa