Assistant Professor in Computational Neuroscience (W1) with tenure track option (to W2) at the Institute for Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück.

Great opportunity in Computational Neuroscience: Assistant Professor in Computational Neuroscience (W1) with tenure track option (to W2) at the Institute for Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück. (apologies for multiple postings) Full details at: --- This tenure-track Professorship is funded by the German Federal Government and the Länder under its Program for the Promotion of Young Academics (Tenure-Track Program). Upon meeting the general administrative requirements, you will be employed as a civil servant on limited tenure for an initial period of three years. If you receive a positive evaluation after the initial three years, this period can be extended by up to three further years. If you meet Osnabrück University’s standards with respect to ability, competence and academic achievement, you will be offered a tenured W2 Professorship in accordance with the relevant legal provisions without further application. Tasks and Responsibilities: Research and teaching should be in the area of computational neuroscience. The professorship and research should be focused on understanding principles of neuronal information processing and cognitive processes. The professorship complements and cooperates with the existing research groups of the Institute of Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University. Further, the holder of the position should actively contribute to existing and future collaborative research projects (e.g. RTG Situated Cognition, RTG Computational Cognition) and should participate in the respective continuation research proposal of the Research Training Group Computational Cognition. In addition, the professorship should engage in teaching in all degree programs of Cognitive Science (BSc, MSc, PhD). Teaching is in English. Conditions of Employment: Condition of employment is: - Research experience in the field of neuronal information processing with the focus of understanding principles of neuronal information processing or cognitive processes. - Research focus on at least one of the two following topics: - Methods of Experimental cognitive neuroscience like EEG, MEG, fMRI, TMS, cell recordings, eyetracking, or virtual reality - Models of information processing in neurons, networks of neurons like for example deep neuronal networks and machine learning. - A coherent research profile, must be motivated by or explain experimental data and there must be a realistic perspective to implement all parts of the own research, including the experimental components or data collection, at the university of Osnabrück. - An excellent command of the English language. - Willingness to participate in university administrative processes and commission work. For non-German speaking applicants, willingness is expected to learn the German language with a sufficient proficiency within two years. In addition, it would be welcome: - Teaching experience in the field of the professorship - Experience with acquiring third party research funding. Legal Conditions of Employment: You will hold a first degree, have a strong commitment to teaching, and have demonstrated your ability to engage independently in advanced academic research, as a rule by obtaining an outstanding PhD (in accordance with Section 30 subsection 2 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act [NHG]) in a relevant subject. The time between the applicant’s final PhD examination or the completion of other equivalent qualifications which qualify the applicant for the position in accordance with Section 30 para. 2 sentence 1 No. 3 Lower Saxony Higher Education Act and the applicant’s application for the assistant professorship should be no longer than four years. This period of time does not include periods caring for a child or several children under 18 years of age or periods caring for a dependent relative and increases by up to two years per child or period of care to a maximum four years in multiple cases of care (Section 30 para. 5 Lower Saxony Higher Education Act). The position is available on a full-time or part-time basis. Osnabrück University is a family-friendly university and is committed to helping working/studying parents balance their family and working lives. Osnabrück University is actively seeking to increase the number of female Professors in its employ. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. If two candidates are equally qualified, preference will be given to the candidate with disability status. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr Gordon Pipa, Tel. +49 541-969-2277, E-Mail: Please submit your application (including a resume with full details of your scholarly and scientific employment history, list of publications and courses taught as well as planned research) in electronic form (as one pdf file) together with the “Bewerbungsprofil” [“Applicant Profile”] (DOCX, 13,58 kB) to the Dean of the School of Human Sciences, Prof. Dr. Susanne Boshammer, Universität Osnabrück, 49069 Osnabrück ( to arrive by March 27, 2022. Please enter the code word "CNtt" in the subject of your e-mail. We look forward to receiving your application. -- Prof. Dr. Peter König, Institute of Cognitive Science, University Osnabrück
participants (1)
Peter König