[Call for Abstract]: Workshop AI and Ethics of Care (5 February 2025, University of Porto)
Workshop AI and Ethics of Care 5 February 2025 | Sala de Reuniões 1 Keynote Speakers [Picture] Silvia Dadà is a post-doctoral researcher in Moral Philosophy and Bioethics at the University of Pisa. She is a research member in the PNRR project FAIR (Future Artificial Intelligence Research). Her current areas of interest include ethics of care, bioethics, and ethics of AI. Her most recent book is Etica della vulnerabilità (2022: Morcelliana). [Picture] Ângelo Milhano holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Évora, where he is now a Visiting Professor. He is a researcher in Philosophy of Technology at Praxis: Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Culture. Ângelo has focused his research on digital technologies, focusing on how their various materializations are able to influence human beings and their way of thinking about the world. ________________________________ [Call for Abstracts] The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies raises urgent ethical questions about their development, deployment, and societal impact. While traditional AI ethics often emphasizes fairness, transparency, and accountability, the Ethics of Care introduces a relational perspective, focusing on empathy, compassion, and the interdependence of individuals and communities. This workshop aims to explore how the Ethics of Care can reshape the trajectory of AI development, fostering technologies that prioritize human well-being and relational responsibility. We invite researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and activists to submit abstracts addressing the intersection of AI and the Ethics of Care. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Philosophical Foundations: Theoretical explorations of the Ethics of Care as a framework for AI ethics. * Relational AI Design: Designing AI systems that prioritize relationships, empathy, and contextual understanding. * AI in Care Contexts: The role of AI in healthcare, eldercare, and caregiving, with a focus on enhancing rather than replacing human care. * Algorithmic Responsibility: Ensuring AI systems recognize and adapt to the interdependence of social and cultural contexts. * Bias and Marginalization: How the Ethics of Care can address systemic inequities and biases in AI systems. * Governance and Policy: Frameworks for implementing care-centered principles in AI policy and regulation. * Critiques and Challenges: Potential limitations of applying the Ethics of Care to AI and strategies for overcoming them. Submission Guidelines: * Submit a title, an abstract of 300 words (with up to 5 relevant references) and a short bio (50 words) to stevensequeira92@hotmail.com<https://ifilosofia.up.pt/activities/stevensequeira92@hotmail.com> * Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection shortly after submission. We encourage early submissions to secure a spot in the workshop program. * There is no registration fee for the workshop. However, accepted authors are responsible for covering their own travel and accommodation expenses. * Deadline: 26 January 2025 * For inquiries, please contact: stevensequeira92@hotmail.com<mailto:stevensequeira92@hotmail.com> Organizing Committee Steven S. Gouveia (MLAG/IF/Uni. Porto) CEEC Project by FCT 2022.02527.CEECIND, University of Porto Organization RG Mind, Language and Action Group (MLAG) Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto - UID/00502 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)
participants (1)
steven gouveia