Comp Neuro List Submission for jobs

The Hayden Lab at the University of Rochester is looking to hire two post-docs in systems and/or computational neuroscience. Our lab investigates the neuronal mechanisms of economic choice, reward cognition, and self-control. We are especially interested in the cingulate cortex, the orbital surface, and the striatum. We use simple gambling tasks, naturalistic foraging tasks and game theoretic decisions, including multi-monkey interaction. We are particularly interested in devising and testing computational models of economic choice, foraging decisions, and self-control, using attractor network, PDP network, and swarm cognition models. We focus on non-human primate recordings, although we are also looking for a purely theoretical post-doc as well. Prior experience in computer programming or statistics highly recommended. The successful candidate will build a portfolio either purely in theoretical/computational neuroscience or in single unit physiology. The University of Rochester is an equal opportunity employer. Standard NIH salary range applies. Lab website: If interested, send an email to
participants (1)
Ben Hayden