Postdoc in Medical Data Science

The lab of Philipp Berens ( at the Institute for Ophthalmic Research ( at the Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen is offering a position as Postdoctoral Researcher in _Medical Data Science for Ophthalmology_ to be filled as soon as possible, with funding for up to 4 years. The successful candidate will perform research at the interface of data science and medicine with the goal to advance statistical methods for predicting disease onset or identifying risk factors by combining classical epidemiological approaches with recent developments in deep learning. The work will be done in close collaboration with the lab of Marius Ueffing and the ZEISS Vision Lab at the Institute for Ophthalmic Research and will contribute to a better understanding of ophthalmic diseases such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration. The Berens lab conducts research in computational neuroscience, data science and biostatistics with a focus on developing tools to integrate various data sources. We have recently developed a framework based on deep neural networks for detecting diabetic retinopathy from fundus images modeling the decision uncertainty of the classifier ( Tübingen is home to a vibrant machine learning community with ample opportunity for interaction with researchers at both the University as well as the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. The Institute of Ophthalmic Research is part of the Center of Ophthalmology, covering various aspects of ophthalmic research from basic retinal neuroscience to the development of gene therapy and neuroprosthetics. We offer employment with a salary and social benefits based on the collective agreement for public service employees in the academic and science sector, TV-L. The Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen promotes gender equality and therefore particularly encourages female scientists to apply. Preferential status will be given to handicapped persons, if equally qualified. Requirements: • PhD in machine learning, statistics or related fields • Experience with medical data • Programming experience in Python and R • Strong publication record and scientific independence Interested applicants should contact Dr. Philipp Berens ( providing a curriculum vitae, a one-page description of past research experience & future research interests, a one-page description of the motivation for applying to this position and names of at least two people that could provide letters of reference. Please compile your application in one single PDF-file and add [Data Science Postdoc] to the subject line. -- University of Tübingen Institute for Ophthalmic Research NEW PHONE NUMBER: +49-7071-2988833
participants (1)
Philipp Berens