Data scientist position in the Cardona lab at the LMB

The lab of Dr Albert Cardona ( is seeking to recruit a junior data scientist -- for lack of a more appropriate name -- to work on connectomics in the Drosophila fly and in many other organisms at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK. This is a 3-year, full-time position that's all about imagery: from electron microscopy volumes to laser-scanning microscopy. Duties include data handling, image registration, segmentation with machine learning, synapse detection, and more. More information can be found in the following ad, which is now closed, but will reopen soon: Please note that this ad claims that a PhD is necessary, but that's not at all a requirement. It also claims this position is for a postdoc, which is also not correct. Enquiries should be sent to Dr Albert Cardona at Applications should be either sent directly to Dr Albert Cardona, or submitted through the ad linked above (when it reopens).
participants (1)
Andrey Stoychev