Call for submissions: 2nd HBP Student Conference
Dear all, Below please find the call for submissions for the 2nd HBP Student Conference in Ljubljana: Call for submissions: 2nd HBP Student Conference Transdisciplinary Research Linking Neuroscience, Brain Medicine and Computer Science 14-16 February 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia Extended abstract submission deadline: 25 October 2017 The 2nd HBP Student Conference provides an open forum for the exchange of new ideas among young researchers working across various aspects of neuroscience, brain medicine and computer science relevant to the Human Brain Project. The scope of the conference offers a plethora of opportunities for extensive scientific discussions, both intra- and interdisciplinary, among peers and faculty, through a variety of discussion sessions, lectures and social events. We invite original high-quality submissions describing innovative research in all disciplines addressing the HBP research programme. Contributions emphasising theoretical and empirical foundations as well as novel approaches to specific problems with respect to the subprojects of the HBP are welcome. Finally, we particularly encourage submissions with a potential to inspire the research community by introducing new and relevant problems, concepts and ideas, even if the work is at an early stage of development. Participation in the 2nd HBP Student Conference is open to advanced master students, PhD students and young researchers, regardless of whether they are affiliated with the HBP or not and regardless of whether they make a submission to the scientific programme or not. Participation of young female investigators is highly encouraged. Child care is offered during the conference. Please use the registration form to indicate if you need this service. Seven travel grants will be available upon request for European students only (country of residence). Travel grant requests have to be sent to prior to the abstract submission deadline. For further information and abstract submission visit: <> We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts! Best regards, The HBP Education Programme Office Theresa Rass HBP Education Programme Project Assistant Medical University Innsbruck (MUI) Müllerstraße 59, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria Phone Office: +43 512 9003 71246 Mobile Phone: +43 676 871672246 Email: <>
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HBP Education