Two 6-Year postdoc positions at SCAN-Unit, University of Vienna (PI Claus Lamm; social neuroscience)

Dear colleagues, At the SCAN-Unit of University of Vienna (PI: Claus Lamm), we will soon have two 6-year(!) post-doc positions available. Unlike many other postdoc positions tied to a grant, these positions do not come with a fixed research program attached to them. Rather, our aim is to allow the candidates a sizeable amount of autonomy and flexibility in pursuing their own research questions and to develop their own research line, connected to the research interests and expertise of the SCAN Unit, which focuses on questions such as empathy, prosociality, trust, social decision making, and related phenomena, in both humans and non-human animals (see The idea is to hire and mentor someone who has the potential to transit to a fully independent (tenure-track/junior group leader) position within the 6-year hiring period (the positions themselves do not have a tenure/tenure-track option). We thus encourage the candidates to secure their own grants (e.g., from the Austrian Science Fund and the ERC) and to establish their own first research group, under the wings of the SCAN-Unit and the mentoring of group leader Claus Lamm. To apply, please contact Claus Lamm ( with a brief (format-free) statement of motivation (e.g., why you apply for this position, why you feel you’d be a suitable candidate, and what is your career development goal: max. 1 page), the research questions you would be interested in pursuing (i.e., a short research statement, describing what you would want to work on, and how you would want to do so, max. 1 page), and a C.V., including a list of publications, that summarizes a) your research achievements, b) the skills and expertise that you have acquired in your previous and ongoing training, and c) your past teaching activities (if any). Applications will be considered on an ongoing basis until suitable candidates are identified. Informal inquiries before submitting a fully-fledged application are also highly encouraged. The positions will be available from around September/October 2021 onwards, but a later starting date until roughly mid 2022 is certainly possible (and further extensions can be discussed). Please see the link below for the full job description. See also a tweet thread about this search: Informal inquiries can be directed to Claus Lamm ( Best, Lei ---------- Dr. Lei Zhang Postdoc Social, Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience Unit Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology Faculty of Psychology University of Vienna Liebiggasse 5, 1010 Vienna, Austria e: w: t: @lei_zhang_lz
participants (1)
Lei Zhang