The Cognitive Development Lab at The Ohio State University under the direction of Dr. Vladimir Sloutsky is seeking applicants for a postdoctoral research associate position for an NIH-funded project studying the development and neurobiology of categorization. The successful candidate is expected to work closely with Vladimir Sloutsky, Jay Myung, and Brandon Turner (at Ohio State) and Brad Love (at UCL) on modeling of cross-sectional and longitudinal data, on linking of genetic and behavioral data across development, and on model selection. The postdoc is expected to be an active part of the Cognitive Development lab that has general research interests in the development of cognition and to interact actively with Drs. Myung, Turner, and Love. The position is for three years with a possibility of reappointment. A successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, or related field and have a strong research record and previous experience in computational or statistical modeling. Although previous experience with developmental research is not necessary, special consideration will be given to candidates who have interest in understanding the development of cognition. Primary responsibilities will include active participation in research and collaboration with other members of the lab and the research team. Interested applicants should send a CV, research statement, representative publications, and names of three recommenders to Alicia Sciemca ( -- the lab manager at the Cognitive Development Lab. Informal inquires may be sent to Vladimir Sloutsky ( Applications will be received until the position is filled. The earliest start date is Summer of 2016. To learn more about research in the lab, visit our website:
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Dirk Bernhardt-Walther