BioSystems - Special Issue on Neural Coding 2016 (Vol. 161, November 2017)

Dear Colleagues, We would like to announce a BioSystems Special Issue on Neural Coding: BioSystems -- Volume 161 - November 2017 Available online for download now from: The Table of Contents of this special issue can be seen at the end of this email. Best wishes for a happy new year, Guest Editors Chris Christodoulou, Lubomir Kostal and Angar Büschges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ BioSystems - Contents -- Volume 161 - November 2017 Special Issue: Neural Coding 2016 (Selected papers presented at the Twelventh International Workshop on Neural Coding, Cologne, Germany, 2016) Available online for download now from: Editorial Chris Christodoulou, Lubomir Kostal and Angar Büschges To swim or not to swim: A population-level model of Xenopus tadpole decision making and locomotor behaviour Roman Borisyuk, Robert Merrison-Hort, Steve R. Soffe, Stella Koutsikou, Wen-Chang Li Linked Gauss-Diffusion processes for modeling a finite-size neuronal network M. F. Carfora, E. Pirozzi Information reduction in a reverberatory neuronal network through convergence to complex oscillatory firing patterns A. Vidybida, O. Shchur Efficiency of rate and latency coding with respect to metabolic cost and time Marie Levakova A single spike deteriorates synaptic conductance estimation Ryota Kobayashi, Hiroshi Nishimaru, Hisao Nishijo, Petr Lansky Synchrony measure for a neuron driven by excitatory and inhibitory inputs and its adaptation to experimentally-recorded data Christina Zavou, Antria Kkoushi, Achilleas Koutsou, Chris Christodoulou Dynamical properties of LFPs from mice with unilateral injection of TeNT Eleonora Vannini, Matteo Caleo, Santi Chillemi, Angelo Di Garbo Functional data analysis of single-trial auditory evoked potentials recorded in the awake rat Ondřej Pokora, Jan Koláček, Tzai-Wen Chiu, Wei Qiu Upozorneni: Neni-li v teto zprave vyslovne uvedeno jinak, ma tato E-mailova zprava nebo jeji prilohy pouze informativni charakter. Tato zprava ani jeji prilohy v zadnem ohledu ustavy AV CR, v.v.i. k nicemu nezavazuji. Text teto zpravy nebo jejich priloh neni navrhem na uzavreni smlouvy, ani prijetim pripadneho navrhu na uzavreni smlouvy, ani jinym pravnim jednanim smerujicim k uzavreni jakekoliv smlouvy a nezaklada predsmluvni odpovednost ustavu AV CR, v.v.i. Disclaimer: If not expressly stated otherwise, this e-mail message (including any attached files) is intended purely for informational purposes and does not represent a binding agreement on the part of Institutes of CAS. The text of this message and its attachments cannot be considered as a proposal to conclude a contract, neither the acceptance of a proposal to conclude a contract, nor any other legal act leading to concluding any contract; nor does it create any pre-contractual liability on the part of Institutes of CAS.
participants (1)
Lubomir Kostal