vacancy for female tenure track assistant professor at University of Groningen (Artificial Intelligence)

There are 5 tenure track positions available for female candidates in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, of which one will be placed in the Department of Artificial Intelligence. This department has a very broad interpretation of artificial intelligence, with expertise ranging from cognitive science to robotics and machine learning. We have a particular interest in model-based neuroscience and neuromorphic computing. Rosalind Franklin Fellowships at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (216337-41 RFF) Organisation The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is home to a kaleidoscopic range of disciplines and research strengths. Our teaching and research programmes range from nanomaterials to engineering, from pharmacy to ecology, and from computer science to astronomy. Our researchers investigate fundamental key questions while collaborating with partners from industry, the medical world and other social sectors. Frontline research groups explore new fields such as synthetic biology and sustainable energy use. The Faculty place a high priority on the international dimension of teaching and research and has a long history of stimulating, initiating and carrying out multidisciplinary and internationally oriented research. The Faculty has 40 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, 35 of which are English-taught, attracting students from all over the world. Job description The University of Groningen initiated the prestigious Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme to promote the advancement of talented international researchers at the highest levels of the institution. The ambitious programme has been running at the Groningen Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences since 2002 and at the University as a whole since 2007. The Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme is aimed at women in industry, academia or research institutes who have a PhD and would like a career as full professor in a European top research university. The Fellowship is only awarded to outstanding researchers. Successful candidates will be expected to establish an independent, largely externally funded research programme in collaboration with colleagues at our Faculty and elsewhere. They will also be expected to participate in and contribute to the development of the teaching programme of their discipline. The University of Groningen has 13 tenure track positions available in this programme, currently co-funded by the European Union. We invite ambitious female academics to apply for these positions. Under European jurisdiction it is lawful to specifically recruit underrepresented groups. Five RFF positions In the next round of Rosalind Franklin Fellowships, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has five Rosalind Franklin Fellowships to offer in the disciplines: Fundamental Computer Science (Data Management, Theory of Computing, Algorithms, Networks, Security) Fundamental Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Analysis), Mathematical Data Analysis, Complex Systems Mechanical Engineering (field of dynamics and vibrations, optomechatronics, or other fields relevant for advanced instrumentation) Artificial Intelligence (logic, neuromorphic computing, cognitive modelling or robotics) Bioinformatics (complex biological systems, genome analyses, metagenomics and microbiology, host-microbe biology, new computational algorithms and methods). Qualifications • PhD degree for at least 3 years on reference date 1 February 2017 • exemplary research record demonstrated by publications in international top journals and/or in peer-reviewed books • proof of independence and international recognition • experience in various working environments in different countries • successful in acquiring external funding for research projects • teaching experience or proven inclination for teaching demonstrated by tutoring/mentoring of individuals or small groups • demonstrable organizational qualities and communication skills • a well-founded and motivated application with an innovative research plan for the first five years and a challenging outlook for the future which takes into account the international research landscape in their field of specialization • must not have resided or carried out your main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the Netherlands for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date of 1 February 2017. Please check whether you are eligible to apply by doing the eligibility check: <> Additional requirements In addition to the University’s general requirements for the fellowships, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has the following additional requirements: • at least two years of postdoctoral experience, preferably in various research institutions (Dutch applicants should have at least two years of postdoctoral experience outside The Netherlands) • experience in supervising research projects • the candidate must have the potential to develop into a leader who guides and inspires • the proposed research should be complementary and of added value to the research areas currently represented within the Faculty. Conditions of employment The University of Groningen offers a starting salary for the Rosalind Franklin Fellow/assistant professor, dependent on qualifications and relevant work experience, of a minimum of € 3,427 gross per month (salary scale 11 Dutch Universities) up to a maximum of € 5,330 gross per month (salary scale 12) for a fulltime position. The salaries include an 8% holiday allowance, an 8.3% end-of-year bonus and participation in an employee pension scheme. The conditions of employment comply with the Collective Labour Agreement for the University of Groningen. The appointment of a Rosalind Franklin Fellow/assistant professor will be on a temporary basis for a maximum of 6 years. After 5 years of employment, there will be an assessment of performance based on established criteria including research and teaching qualifications. If the outcome of the assessment is positive, the assistant professor will be promoted to the rank of associate professor with tenure. At the end of a further 4-7 year period, there will be another assessment aimed at promotion to full professor. Please visit our webpage for more information about conditions of employment: <> Application You may apply for this position until 31 January / before 1 February 2017 Dutch local time by means of the application form (click on "Apply" below on the advertisement on the university website). Applicants should submit: 1. A full curriculum vitae including a complete list of publications (file 1) 2. A letter of motivation (file 2) 3. A 3-5 page statement of research accomplishments and future research goals (file 3) 4. A list of five selected ‘best papers’ (preferably including copies) (file 4) 5. the names and contact information (including email address) of 3 referees (file 5). The application files should be sent electronically in PDF format. Applications with missing credentials will not be taken into consideration. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Marieke van Vugt, PhD Assistant Professor, Cognitive Modelling Group University of Groningen Bernoulliborg, room 326 Nijenborgh 9 9747 AG Groningen The Netherlands phone: +31-6-5195-4984 (cell) +31-50-363-9487 (office) <> twitter: @mvugt <> /
participants (1)
Marieke van Vugt RUG