Multiple postdoctoral positions in computational neuroscience (neural coding), Hamburg, Germany

I am opening three fully funded postdoctoral positions in computational neuroscience at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) in Hamburg, Germany. We investigate how networks of neurons in the cerebral cortex encode, process and transmit information to generate behaviors such as sensation and decision-making. To address these issues, we develop and use information-theoretic and machine learning methods to study population coding, as well as neural network models to individuate mechanisms for neural information processing and generation of functions. Our laboratory enjoys extensive long-term international collaborations with experimental laboratories, including with Chris Harvey at Harvard Medical School, Wei- Lee at Boston Children’s Hospital, Tommaso Fellin and Alessandro Gozzi at IIT, Mriganka Sur at MIT, as well as collaborations with experimental laboratories in Hamburg (Andreas Engel, Tobias Donner, Ileana Hanganu-Opatz). The laboratory also offers a thriving, ambitious and well-funded research environment (with funds from the NIH Brain Initiative, the Simons Foundation, the European Union, the ERC). The lab provides ample opportunities for advanced training and for personal scientific growth. We seek candidates holding a PhD in a numerate or neuroscientific discipline, with a solid computational background and a keen interest in neuroscience. They must be highly motivated and creative individuals who want to work in a dynamic, multi-disciplinary research environment and be happy to interact with both experimental and theoretical neuroscientists. The jobs are available starting immediately and applications will be considered as soon as they are received and until the position is filled. Funding is available for several years and a minimum commitment of two years is expected by interested candidates. Interested applicants are encouraged to email me ( as soon as possible, to inform me of the interest for the position and initiate a discussion about research projects. For recent relevant publications from my lab, see: Kuan A et al (2024) Synaptic wiring motifs in posterior parietal cortex support decision-making *Nature:* advanced online publication (doi 10.1038/s41586-024-07088-7) Celotto M et al, An information-theoretic quantification of the content of communication between brain regions, *NeurIPS* 36, 2023 Panzeri S, et al (2022) The structures and functions of correlations in neural population codes. *Nature Reviews Neuroscience* 23: 551-567 Koren V., Panzeri S (2022) Biologically plausible solutions for spiking networks with efficient coding. *NeurIPS 35, 2022,* Curreli S, et al (2022) Complementary encoding of spatial information in hippocampal astrocites. *PLoS Biology* 20: e3001530. Valente, M. et al (2021), Correlations enhance the behavioral readout of neural population activity in association cortex. *Nature Neuroscience*, 24, 975–986 Chong, E. et al (2020) Manipulating synthetic optogenetic odors reveals the coding logic of olfactory perception. *Science* 368, 1329. Runyan C. A., et al (2017) Distinct timescales of population coding across cortex, *Nature*: 548: 92-96. Panzeri S., et al (2017) Cracking the neural code for sensory perception by combining statistics, intervention and behaviour. *Neuron* 93: 491-507 Pica, G. et al (2017) Quantifying how much sensory information in a neural code is relevant for behavior, *NeurIPS 30, 2017* Thanks Stefano Panzeri (
participants (1)
Stefano Panzeri